Chapter 9

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Sid pov


When I woke up that's who i thought of. 

Where am I?

My next immediate thought.

It was dark when i woke up, the only thing i could see was the heart rate monitor and a pale light coming through the window.

Then I spotted him, resting his head on the edge of the bed fast asleep was none other then the boy himself, by far my favorite boy. 


Prying my eyes away from his sleeping frame i looked around the room a little more, my eyes adjusting to the dim light, i was in a hospital room. 

What the hell was i doing in a hospital room? what happened.

The last thing i remember is graduation. We were at the after party and i left in the morning to go home, but i don't remember getting home. 

Then i had that weird dream. 

Who was in the car with me that night?

i placed my hands against my temples, my head felt like someone was punching it. the low steady beeping began to quicken as i started to panic, suddenly lights came on and nurses rushed in, waking up Tyler they tried to push him out of the room but he fought back in, coming to my side he grabbed my hand as the nurses tried to get me to lay back down. Squeezing my hand made me look at him, he had tears welling in his eyes as he looked straight at me, instantly i calmed down and rested my head back on the pillow. 

"What happened?" i asked noticing scratches and bruises up and down his arms and face.

Tyler had been in the car with me.

"We were in a crash, i shouldnt have been driving. Im so sorry Sid i never meant any of this to happen." He explained slowly.

"What exactly happened?"

"Well i had only had one beer so i thought i would be fine to drive us back to your house, you and Ryan were both pretty hamered so i figured i should take you home. we were almost at your house when you said something about what me and you had been doing and Ryan got mad, we were arguing and i was distracted and next thing you know we were colliding head on with a truck. it hit the passanger side the worst - "

"Ryan. What seat was Ryan in?" I interupted even though i knew.

Tyler averted his eyes to the gound, "you should get back to sleep," he mumbled.

"Tyler, no. I need to hear it." i pleaded

"Ryans gone."


im so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry its taken me this long, this is more of a filler chapter back im working on something, promise!!!

in the mean time all you dedicated little readers should go read my other stories... ;)


i want at least 10 votes on this before i put up the next chapter!!


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