NaJ! Paperfresh

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Le Author-chan has a speech. Ok, so this takes place before 'NaJ Poth'. This is basically when they had to keep their relationship a secret and why Palette thinks they're crushing on each other. Just go already.

Paperjam POV

Paperjam tapped his foot restlessly. The teacher continued talking, not noticing the skeleton's dilema. It was happening again. Paperjam raised his hand. *COUGH COUGH*

"Yes." The teacher turned around, obviously annoyed by the student.

"Could I go to the bathroom?" Paperjam said, tapping his foot still.

"Fine. But be back in 10 minutes." He said, turning back to the lecture at hand. 

Paperjam stood up, and the moment he was out of sight, he ran to the back of the school. It helped that he was in track. 31.2 seconds, not bad. But when is Fresh gonna be here? Paperjam put his hand on the brick wall, and wiped the sweat off of his brow. He looked around, possibly any members of the yearbook club or something stupid like that. It would be awful to be embarrassed there. 

"PJ?" a familiar voice sounded. Paperjam spun his head towards the smaller skeleton.

"Fresh!" Paperjam launched himself into his lover's arms, kissing him like tomorrow would never come. 

"Mph~!" Fresh gasped. He looked as his lustful (Lust, get out of the room) partner, entranced by his sudden appearance. "What's got you like this today, PJ?" He said, pulling away suddenly,

"Um... I just kinda..." PJ made the *eh?* motion.

"Well, you do seem uptight. I guess you need some of-" Fresh continued making out with his boyfriend, finishing what he had started. This lasted on for what seemed like hours, sucking each others faces off.

"F-fre-fresh. We have to- mph - go now." Paperjam said, glancing at his watch: a minute left. He pulled away, ending the short bliss.

"Ok, but meet me back here..." Fresh said once more, it was his free period so he had nothing to worry about.

"Fine. Just, I don't get into trouble while I'm gone!"  Paperjam said, jogging back to class. Pj sat down in his seat next to Blue (Swap sans if ya didn't know.)

"... and that is how Asgore of the original Undertale broke through the barrier. In a Genocide, however, he would die before the ability to absorb the souls."

Paperjam listened only halfway. This was going to be a longer-than-usual lecture.

*Le Temmie Skip (time skip)*

Fresh POV

"Hey, Goth. How's it going?" Fresh says as he sits down at one of the tables. He looked at the hooded skeleton, entranced by the way that he moved more lethargically. It wasn't like him to be 'bored' at his job. Goth looked at him, blushing slightly like how Fresh appeared when he was talking about Paperjam. What's up with him... 

"Fine... I guess. Um, do you have relationship advice? I, err, kinda want to confess to a friend but... I'm not sure they like me back..." Goth said, looking down at his shoes. Fresh was a bit taken back by the sudden, personal question. What if this exposed their relationship?

"You tell them. It won't do any good keeping it bottled up or secret," Fresh paused, l=thinking about how his  love for Paperjam was kept secret. he shook it off and continued, "If anything, tell them now. At least you won't get rejected on Valentine's Day!"

"That's... sweet. How do you put together that kind of stuff?" Goth asked, peering out from his white hoodie. Fresh concealed his surprise by making it look like he was thinking. 

"I've read a lot of books. That's all." Fresh smiled, even though he was pulling the advice from his own book. The reason they kept is secret was because they were both afraid of the consequences that would follow. Fresh would get more attention than he wanted too, possibly too much. Paperjam might get bullied for liking a 'nerd'. They both wanted to keep their lives relatively the same. So the secret stayed locked. 

"Um... great! Sorry for interrupting you. Have fun!" Goth said, turning back to the bookshelf.

"Fresh." A particular jock said. Fresh turned around, Paperjam stood there, a lusty smirk on his face. This wasn't the first time that Paperjam had gotten like this, and Fresh... kinda liked when he was like this. Unfortunately, Paperjam didn't seem to notice Goth standing with his back turned to them.

"Paperjam!" Fresh whisper-yelled (You know what I mean, right?) as Paperjam clanked teeth with the nerd. Fresh pulled himself closer into the embrace, and almost forgot about Goth... until he turned around.

"What!?" Goth suddenly said. "Are you two," Goth pointed to the two as they stared awkwardly at him, "Like, dating? How long, I haven't heard of you guys..."

"Don't tell anyone!" Paperjam said, waving his arms. "We... err... want to keep it secret." Fresh gave the you should of at least looked around  look.

"Well, at least I know where that relationship advice came from!" Goth exclaimed. Fresh blushed as he looked at Paperjam, while Paperjam still looked like a bird had pooped on his head. This was going fantastically.

"Um, how about you two... go somewhere else. Like... I really don't know. I'll go to forgetting about the fact that this happened." Goth said, breaking the awkward silence. Paperjam grabbed Fresh, and continued making out. 

"S-stop! C-can we go somewhere else, like my house? I have no siblings. (This isn't Momma CQ)" Fresh suggested when they were gasping for air.

"Um... ok. Can you, like, teleport us there?" Paperjam said. Pop! Suddenly, they were standing in a room, decorated with posters of stars and such. The color? Well, it was like a 90's trashbag lived there, in the words of Error. It was teal, pink, blue, yellow, all barfed up by a rainbow.

"Perfect" Paperjam said, and they made out for about 8 more minutes. Soon, Fresh got an idea: find PJ's sweet spot. When they went up for air, Fresh suddenly attacked his collarbone, licking it until a reaction came from Paperjam. 

"F-fresh~! What are you~ ah~ doing! It's ~ah~ weird..." Paperjam said. Fresh stopped. 

"We should stop soon, I think that it's enough. Your parents are probably worried." Fresh worried

"Ok. Umm... I'll teleport home. Have fun without me... Senpai." Paperjam whispered in his ear and with that, Paperjam left, making Fresh wish for more. 

He called me Senpai... Fresh thought as he lied in bed. Next time was going to be fun.


No Rainbows were harmed in the process of making this story. Not to be said about the caretakers of said rainbows.

And, drumroll please, you've read 1107 words of a fanfic! Keep believing!


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