Frans (Sans x Frisk)... but not really.

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(Ok. If ya don't ship it, don't read it.)

Frisk POV

Frisk walked through the frosted woods, on her (Frisk is a girl in my perspective) way to the skelebros house. Toriel, on her 17th birthday, finally let her walk out on her own. They had officially moved to the surface and she was the ambassador for monsters. As she crunched the snow, she thought about her destination, and the people at it.They both are so sweet... especially Sans... Papyrus is fun and immature, and I like him as a friend but... Sans is- 

"Eyy, buddy ol' pal!" Sans said suddenly, jumping out of nowhere. Frisk, reacting like the scaredy cat she was, launched herself in the air. Sans caught her, and she felt him heat up with... embarrassment? Why is he blushing? 

"Sanspai! Put me down!" Frisk yelped, before realizing that she-

"Did you just call me Senpai?" Sans smirked. Frisk felt her face heat up, melting the snow that had landed on her face. Sans smirked. 

"N-no, I called you Sanspai! It's punny, don't you think?" Frisk flirted. Sans shrugged, and teleported them to his house. She looked around for Papyrus: not here.

"Where's Papyrus?" Frisk asked. Sans set her down on the red, worn couch. She looked at the state of the house, it was actually clean. The sock was still in the corner though. It seemed, off though. Like it had been moved, but not even Papyrus touched the sock. Sans returned from the kitchen.

"Oh, err... he's at training/cooking with Undyne." Sans looked up. The lights were flickering rapidly. Suddenly, the light just failed to work, like her flirting skills.

She sat in the silence and darkness, waiting for whatever scary monster was going to jump out and scare the living daylights out of her. She reached for Sans, possibly another horrible flirting attempt. He wasn't there.

"Ok, I give up. Who's there?" Frisk called out to the darkness. She strained to see in the black, 


The lights went on again, and everybody was yelling:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRISK!!!" and for some reason, Sans was standing near Fell... Toriel, Alphys, and Undyne all hugged her, burying her from seeing her crush. Sans cleared his nonexistent throat, and everybody looked at him, still crowded around Frisk. It was her birthday after all. Fell and Sans had a blush on their faces, and Fell found his shoes to be very interesting.

"Um... guys? Sorry for interrupting the lovely Frisk's birthday... and, not trying to steal the light-" Frisk looked at the two, they were locking elbows. Almost like-" but I have an announcement! How do I put this... Well, me and Fell are getting married!" 

Frisk felt her heart break... her Senpai... was engaged? It had been a year since the portal opened... they were dating? At least it was still her birthday! Asgore raised his glass, and goat mom slapped it out of his hand.

"No alchol. There are children." She scolded. Good old Goat mom. (Try saying that 3 times fast.) She always knew what to say. She looked at the gay, engaged skeletons. Sans had bent over to kiss Fell deeply; Frisk had never seen her friend look so... happy. She smiled, and raised her glass.

"To an awesome birthday!"

Welp. Happy Birthday to meh. I only half tried. Hope you enjoyed it.

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