Swapfell x lust (kinda adultish???)

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Hey kiddos, this is kinda adultish. But, you're gonna read it anyways, just warnin' ya.

Swapfell hated himself. He visited himself everyday. He was a bit strange, and had a weird addiction to traffic poles. His other self was named Lust. He marched to the house where his stress relief lived. Swapfell kicked open the door and made his way down to the basement. There he was, the king of sin, laying in an.... exposed  position. Lust's eyes glowed with the kind of light you only found in sick romance movies.

"Hey, honey~" Lust moaned. Swapfell slapped him in the face. But he loved his lusty side. Why, you ask? He could not love such any other filth as much as he did to himself. Lust pushed himself up and covered his... with a blanket, but 

"W-what'd you do that for~" Lust moaned again, gingerly touching the tender *um... I just dug a hole for myself...* flesh on his skull. Swapfell got on top of him and started to ... reveal himself. Lust marveled at the smooth surface of his male ecto-body. He poked at certain spots, knowing what would do the trick.

"You're an @$$hole. Shut up, traffic-pole dancer." Swapfell  cursed. Lust purred, and threw his arms like a kitten, ready to be dominated. In this moment, Author-chan will describe the horny b@stard's basement. 

It was all a romantic red, a bed was in the center, as well as plenty of... c0nd... figure the rest yourself. Various strip poles also occupied the room, and a shower. A TV was in the corner for optimum (c)0rn viewing. Let's get back to the story.

Just as Lust summoned his female ecto-body, Underlust Papyrus walked down the stairs, and for the safety of our young viewers, censored the entire scene. 

*that's it, I can't write anymore. Just feed me ideas plz... or not. I'll figure something out eventually.

*and if you want to see your OTP, then request it, Wattpad reader!



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