Part 2

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Hoseok came last night to pick up my bags, I still havemt seen the new house and hes been there for three days. I decided to stay the rest of the week, to spend as much time as I can with my mother. Im closest to her out of everyone in my family.

"When is he picking you up Dear?" My mom asks from the door way.

I turn in my vanity chair, looking at her, and shrug. "I dont know. I told him Id just drive there but he wants to be there when I see the house."

"Such a gentlemen."

I smile a little and nod, a thought crosses my mind. "Mother?"

"Yes dear?" She sits on my bed, crossing her leg.

"What if he doesnt like me? Like what if he calls it all off.." i stare into space as I ask.

"Who wouldnt like you Yani? youre very headstrong, confident, beautiful and hard working. Whats not to like?"

"Well im not pretty and work keeps me away six days out of the week."

"Hunny, say that again and i wont hesitate to slap you. And remember.. Hes an Idol.. His work keeps him away months at a time."

"Right.." I get up and grab my purse and satchle for work. "I guess we should lock up then."

My mom gets off my bed and hands me a key ring. We exit my room and lock the door and lock the padlock. I put the key with my set of keys and look down the hall. Three out of seven doors locked. My family has our own traditions. Once someone marries we lock our past up. The only time the doors are opened are over holidays so we sleep there or when we want to show our kids.

We walk downstairs and I set the bags down as my father brings tea into the living room. "Four cups?" I ask, sitting.

As if on cue the door bell rings. I get up and walk over to the door and open it. "hoseok? I thought you were busy at work." I let him inside.

"I told them I had something impirtant to do." He flashes me a smile.

"Ah. Well my parents are in the living room. My mother has been talking about you all day." I laugh.

"Really?" We walk over to my parents and sit across from them.

"Good to see you Hoseok. Hows the work life treating you?" My father asks.

"Its tiring honestly. But its worth it." He smiles.

After tea and small talk Hoseok and I headed out, him carrying my work bag to the car and to the house. I look up at the house in awe. "Ready?" Hoseok asks, placing hid hand on the small of my back, i simply nod.

We head up the many, many, steps to the front door. This will be my first night with Hoseok and away from my parents. "My mom said she left a gift in the room for you. I put it by your closet." He informs me as he opens the door.

"Wow..." Hard wood floors. To my left is a living room or family room, to my right is a dining room. In front of me are stairs and a hallway.

"Go explore." He smiles and walks upstairs. "Rooms are up here. There are fou and an attic." I follow him up the stairs until he stops infront of a dark brown oak door. "If you dont want to have seperate rooms until we offically wed, this is our room." He opens the door, letting it swing open slowly.

"Why would I want a seperate room?" I ask as I take a few small strides into the room.

"Most newly appointed couples have seperate bedrooms or bed til their wedding night."

I look around the room then towords Hoseok. "Well you tell me. What do you want?" I sit on the bed and cross my legs at the knees.

"I want to get to know the person Im going to marry." He smiles.

"And I the same. Do you have any days off soon?"

"Well.." I watch as he walks into the room and grabs a small calander book from the desk. "I have two days off next week. Also I want you to meet some people.. Theyre like family, honestly their all my brothers. I feel very close to them and i think for me to open up more to you, having you meet them, would help me."

"I wouldnt mind meeting someone close to you. I think it would be great."

"What about one of the days off?" He sits on the bed beside me with the biggest smile ever.

"What are the two days? Ill have my mom watch over the shops for me."

"well i dont want you to take away from your business. I know you worked hard for them."

"No no. Its fine. Theres a shop festival the week after that one of the coffee shops is taking part in and ill be bussier than ever. So I would like to get to know you sooner rather than later." I explain.

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