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tzuyu's pov

I felt an unexpected urge to go to the bathroom and I did. it was ironic how the washroom was at a deserted hallway.. it was suspicious. though my thoughts were clouded by the girls who had practically adopted me. I smiled to myself, feeling grateful.

when I finished my business in the washroom, I went out, to come in contact with a boy who's physically hurting a girl

what the hell?

the girl wept, her back pressed on the locker, and the boy had her trapped in between his arms. it was like one of those cliché anime kabedons or kdrama moments where the boy asserts dominance with that wall move except this one, the girl didn't like it and it was obvious she was pleading for help.,

with no hesitation, I stepped in, getting the girl behind me. I swallowed the fury I was feeling, I hated to see injustice unravel or any form of bad act done to another. I fuelled all that anger in my right hand, poised for a punch.

"who the fuck do you think you are?" the boy who had a scar in his cheek hissed, he was pissed for sure

"you shouldn't be hurting a girl," I maintained my posture, I could hear the girl sobbing behind me, wetting the back of my uniform

"keep your nose to yourself.," he glared at me with those eyes, he grabbed my shoulder and tried to push me off, yet my feet stayed on the ground, only my shoulders getting shoved back a bit

"you little-," I cut him off as I gather force in my left leg, quickly kicking his area, when he doubled over, I took this chance to give him a final jab on the stomach with my fuelled right hand, keeping him in that position for a short while,

as he doubled over in pain, I signalled the girl to run and tell a teacher. geez were all boys like this in school? where is the decency?

it was a good thing that I was able to deliver these, and able to fend for myself.. I guess that momentary phase I had.. gave me experience

I looked at the girl's disappearing figure and saw her give me a soft yet a sad smile before vanishing from view,

I got distracted with my tainted thoughts and making sure she got away, and the last thing I felt before my vision darkens was a pang of pain


jungkook's pov

the other girls I knew from school, who were pretty close with my group sat with tzuyu which I was relieved about, I planned to sit with her but twice had already gone to. I was also relieved by the fact that I was saved from the teasing to come when I did sit with her.. my friends will bother me all day.

the scenario whereas he sent jackson to the floor kept replaying in my head, I thought it was unbelievable for a quiet girl like her to do that

although I think jackson was half kidding, since he usually played around like that.

I couldn't help but steal glances, looking at her, but resisted myself as the boys might get suspicious of it

"jungkookie-ah, can you pretty please fetch me wateerr~," taehyung cooed clinging to my arm, he pouted like a four year old,

"me too, kookieee~," jimin doing the same, on my other arm, they were both like toddlers who pleaded for a toy,

"fine fine, if it weren't for your guys' cuteness," I rolled my eyes, it was true though, both jimin and taehyung were adorable when doing these kinds of things

but I hated the fact that I was months younger, making me the maid of the group, the "get me this", "get me that," boy

I got up from my chair and headed to the vending machine


ironically, our only working vending machine was in a dark hallway, it looked quite creepy but I never got really worked up about it,

coincidentally, one of the girl's washroom was near the machine too, it was weird to put the women's washroom in a deserted hallway..

"I don't want this anymore!" I heard a girl sob out, hearing a yelp afterward,

"you  bitch, follow my orders as I say," a boy's voice spoke as the girl took his punches., it was enough to anger me, one of the things that I didn't like about my school was that many "bad" boys flocked every grade. teachers turn a blind eye to it, they only step up when it's obvious enough or have seen it happen in front of them. I hate it.

as I was about to step in, a familiar figure already did, I backed up from the scene and watched intently

"who the fuck do you think you are?" the boy swivels to meet, as who it seems, tzuyu standing her ground. her eyes cold, stare almost piercing.

I gazed at her with full attention as I proceed to observe

as the conversations go on, I planned to enter the scene, to prevent any injury or anything at all; I couldn't make up what tzuyu said to the girl but the girl started running as she kicks the boy in his spot

damn that must have hurt

tzuyu threw another punch and I emerged from where I was watching, before I could stop the scene, I see the boy straighten himself

in a second the boy,  gave tzuyu a jab on her jaw which takes her aback, my eyes widen as it happened in sudden. she stumbles, losing her balance, I got ahold of her before she could fall, I shook her but she didn't reply, the strong jab had left her unconscious.

I gently put her down the floor and looked for that jerk but he was nowhere to be seen,

I grit my teeth in anger, but got back down to tzuyu, I carried her bridal style as it is the only comfortable way I know

The infirmary was not too far from the hallway so I walked in silence, gazing at her state,

"tsk, putting others before yourself," I breathed out as I stare ahead of me. if only I had been a minute quicker.

I fastened my pace,the anxiety in me rising. I wanted to treat her as soon as possible,

though I knew that jab wasn't remotely fatal, I still wanted to make sure she'll be alright.

something in me awakens, wanting to protect her from the dangers and darkness within.

and curiosity sprouts.

who really are you chou tzuyu?

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