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He had been running around for three days trying to get everyone but it was turning out harder than first thought, Yannick had backtracked massively as had Skylar who just used Kidd for sex, he still hadn't found Arianna or Isabel so it was back to square one.

Luckily though Darian had been having just as much trouble trying to get Claire and Marina, whilst Phillip had become a ghost to everyone. Darian had only been able to get Phillip's twin sister Emily and she was chomping at the bit to speak to someone who wasn't her brother about what happened.

Making his way through the automotive centre, Kidd popped another tablet allow the headache to lessen the closer he got to the class. Peeking in through the door he saw Arianna Delgado, she was by some thick machine that Kidd had no interest in.

As soon as she saw him, she sighed loudly but it obviously didn't deter him since Kidd continued over to her. The teacher of the class looking over caught sight of Kidd and objected to his presence saying.

'Hey Kidd, you're not meant to be in here.' Mr James.

'Yeah, I just have to speak with Arianna for a moment, then I'll be out of your hair.' Kidd responded, getting a nod of approval as the teacher went back to what he was doing before.

Standing next to Arianna, the silence became torturous for her by the way that she just pretended that he wasn't there, then when she realised that he wasn't leaving she finally turned to him and said.

'You're not too smart if you think annoying me when I have tools within reach won't affect the conversation.' Arianna threatened.

'I'm not known for my brains. I just wanted to know, why the hell do you want to sweep, whatever happened out in those woods under the rug? What happened is amazing and should be life changing but you want your crappy life to continue on as usual?'

'Screw you, what do you know about my life?'

A rattling distracted Kidd for a moment as he looked over to see another student messing around with an engine, trying to figure out what was wrong with the object.

'... Um... Nothing... But let's be honest whose life isn't crappy in one way or another. It's either you have first world problems or third world problems but they're all still problems. But us being given abilities could change all that.'

'Oh, and what abilities do you have ha? Because I don't have jack-shit, I have been having leg cramps since we got home and they haven't stopped, but still I have no goddam powers or abilities. So, screw whatever that blue ball said.'

Again, the rattling stole Kidd's attention. He could see the problem, somehow, he just knew what was wrong where the student who had been doing this class for ages had no idea.

'So, is that it, because your abilities haven't developed yet you aren't going to do anything?' Kidd asked, once again looking over to the engine.

'Have you developed the ability to fly? Or super strength, super anything?' Arianna shot back stumping Kidd in his tracks.

'Not yet, but I swear to god, last night I got home a little fast that I usually do.'

Arianna didn't enjoy the joke, instead she threw herself back into her work. It was moving from the machinery to the table that Kidd could see the wobble she had mentioned, he figured that everyone's pain must have been for something, but so far there had been nothing of note happening to any of them.

Hearing the student by the engine say the f-word, Kidd shot over to the metallic block shoving the student out of the way. He had no idea what he was doing but going on instinct his hands moved around the object, then as quick as opening up a laptop he pulled it apart and put it together again. Tugging the cord, the engine ignited with a loud raw gaining the attention of the class.

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