Politics Man!

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Walking in through the two double main doors to the school, it was an odd mix as all of the survivors pooled into the hallway, walking as if they were one group. Even Guy had come into school to stay for the half a day he'd already missed although looking as if he had gotten stoned in just before coming into the school, his eyes glassy and vein's arcing through the whites of his eyes.

The hallways were packed as everyone was putting their binders, laptops and utensils into their lockers before they were about to meet up with their friends. But the sight of so many from so many different groups all together drew attention, many figured that they must have all skipped together which lead to the wonder why they would skip considering that they all came from different groups who often hated each other.

Arianna's group crowded around her locker, they all wore jackets and clothes that were torn somewhere most already with tattoos, scrapes of beards being grown on the guys as the girls all bared their cleavage to show, smokes being traded between them all. And on seeing Arianna they all stared in amazement, at her and her company.

The Student Council hung around a pillar where they hung fliers and Patricia stood on a ladder hanging a banner with someone at the other end. All wore nice and neat clothes that were conservative but expensive looking, all the guys were clean shaven whilst the girls tired their hardest to appear to wear as little makeup as they could and all had meticulously cut hair. Their attention turned from what they were doing to Phillip who stood in the jumble, Patricia's face turning from a doll-like smile to a look of horror as she saw him standing close to Skylar.

Just beyond them hanging around a water fountain none of the used were the cheerleaders, a few of the guys hanging around with them. All of them had hair which was purposely designed to be radiant and attract attention as their makeup complemented their already attractive features, all of them wore clothes that were stylish and perfectly framed their individual bodies. They all glared at this group with disapproval since Isabel was with them and hanging out with so many from their own group, Jessica Holtz however glared at Marina who in her opinion was standing very close to Darian.

Waltzing down the hallway in a thick group in a v-formation cutting through the thick of people in the hallway, clad in letterman sports jackets were the sports players. Most had their hair shaved into easily kept fashionable styles such as the Undercut and Top-knot, some had clean shaven faces whilst others had five-o'clock-shadow on their faces. Michael Ventura who stood at the head of the group stopped suddenly as he saw this group and Darian in amongst them all, this odd group where even Kidd preferred to be a part of instead of his own group.

So many eyeing them and glaring at them, none in the group even knew what to do, they never spoke about what to do once they got back to school where their social circumstances were different and now seemingly this was bitting them in the ass. All except for Kidd and Guy and properly didn't care about this unwanted attention, both were just happy that they now had an idea what was happening.

Whipping around the corner from one of the hallways along the face of the building Mr Shultz shot behind the group, Chase was the first to notice before he started a domino effect of attention grabbing until all of them were looking behind at Mr Shultz. A disgruntled look one his face and an almost unnoticeable spot of tomato sauce against his mouth showing that their entry had interrupted his lunch, which would also probably explain why he looked so pissed.

'Where have you all been?' Mr Shultz demanded out of them, most of the other groups had rushed away the second a teacher was spotted in the hallway, the only group even close by now as the sporty group and the cheerleaders who hang far away still watching with intense interest.

'What do you mean we weren't anywhere, we just had to come the front way into the school.' Phillip said, trying to give the impression they had been at the school the entire time.

'Bull. All of the survivors of the woods skipping the exact same period, that raises a few alarms for everyone.' Mr Shultz replied, the disgruntled look he wore fading into a face that spoke volumes of a teacher who had been lied to by student a thousand times before.

'We all meet up so we could mourn in our own way.' Kidd spoke loudly, cutting off three other people who were about to throw out excuses, but his voice stopped them all and drew Mr Shultz's attention. 'Surely that is okay and understandable considering everything that has happened?'

Kidd didn't continue looking at the teacher, he turned around expecting that to be the last of the conversation and was about to move forward when Mr Shultz spoke again. All the others however kept their attention on him, half afraid he would grill them until they spilled everything that happened to them.

'Your right, it is understandable... But it does not excuse the fact that you all skipped a class when you should have been here, you need parental permission once you step foot on school property.' Mr Shultz lectured, his aged arms crossed with one of his bony fingers rubbing his chin.

'But some of us are eighteen, surely, we don't need parental permission-' Before Darian could finish Mr Shultz cut in, still with that face that was drooping as if he was annoyed he had to do another lecture.

'-Doesn't matter, the fact that your eighteen gives you certain relaxes but not about skipping classes. If you had gone during lunch or recess, if you had gone right now and took the amount of time this free period took then there would be nothing I could do. But you chose to skip a class!'

'As we already told you, we just took some time to mourn those who died.' Claire put in, her voice hot and sharp as if something had been done to make her angry.

'And I feel so bad about what happened but you skipped school. And for that you are all expected to be at detention tomorrow, all day. It has been one month since what happened and the school has seen far too many absences and now we need to start bringing everybody back to school, make sure that everything gets back on track and back to normal.' Everyone was about to jump in and say their piece when he simply raised his arm with his hand flat as a stopping gesture and everybody obeyed. 'No more arguing the point, tomorrow you are all to attend detention from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon. And if you are not there then Mr James will tell me.'

With another word from anyone Mr Shultz walked away, although walking was a bad way to describe it, waltzing was probably the correct terminology. He had just won a war of wits and the way he strode through the corridors showed who truly ruled them, even the jocks would have had a hard time trying to walk straight with him around.

Everyone looked at each other, none said a word but their eyes said it all. Some blamed the others for a whole-day detention that was on a day off, others said they wouldn't be there just by the looks they were giving, then there were the few that looked distraught that they had to be in detention at all. Without another word the group split like a planet exploding from the inside, everyone went their own way as much as the hallway would allow for and the only one left when everyone had disbursed was Isabel whose gaze shot around worried that all the work toady had yielded was now ruined.


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