Mollymauk x Pregnant reader

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You met alone, together one night. It was late, and you sat on a cosy-ly, on a white bench under the cape of darkness.  It was quite and you could only have heard the soft water splashing in the fountain before you.  Gazing upwards at the stars, only seeing if you could count them all, until you felt the weight of the bench shift. You visibly shook a little after turning your head to see a handsome young teifling sitting beside you. He was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, with silky hair, the most bodacious tattoos and jewellery you have ever seen. But the thing that caught you the most, was his soft purple skin. You mostly had no particular feeling towards purple, but at times you had considered it's beauty, and now, had most certainly been one of those times. You hadn't realized how much time you'd spent starring at the lavender stranger till he spoke. "Aren't the stars beautiful tonight?" he claimed, fixated on the sky

You remembered that night so clearly despite being a year ago. You remembered sitting with him till sunrise and learning little things like his name to his favourite colour. After the two of you watched the sun rise and stars disappear that night, you two had decided to meet up occasionally.  It formed from meeting once a week, to meeting ever second day, to just seeing each other every night. It didn't take long for the two of you to fall in love. You brang gifts and presents to show your love and dedication towards each other and the stars that brought you two together. He stayed with you for 2 and a half months before telling you he had to leave on a job. You remember crying tears of sadness when you didn't know if he would come back. When he pushed your hair behind your ear to get a better view of your face and tell you he would make it back. As well as the quiet night of passion that soon followed after. He left hesitantly that morning, making sure you knew he loved you. Giving up on counting the nights, you started noticing the small bump forming on your lower stomach. It took a while to get used to, but you started to accept it. Questions formed in your head, like if your baby was a girl or a boy. Little things that kept you preoccupied. It was these that sent you towards the window, looking out towards the sky. You remember what he said when you used to tell him you hated meeting in the dark. "A certain amount of dark is needed to see the stars..." It was these little things that made you fall heavily in love with the lavender teifling. You remembered these tiny moments, looking out on the night sky like you had when you two first met.

[another one shot to avoid being inactive, i'll edit it fully when i get the time. and for the time being, please don't be afraid of recommendations]

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