Dictor Va I

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Dictor Va stares out the Perspex window.

A deep star-spangled night peers back at him.

An endless night.

"Uh, Captain?" Dictor Va turns around.

A grey skinned man stares back with a thin face creased with worry.

"Speak, Biam."

"Sir, several ships are entering this system."

"Classed?" "No Sir, they don't come up in our systems. They're battleships, but they aren't owned by the Empire, or Renegalle. Should we dispatch Menzies?"

"Right away, Biam. Issue lockdown 5"

"Yes Sir" Biam leans over his chatpad and starts typing furiously. "Sir?"

"Yes, Biam?"

"What do you think will happen to the station?" Dictor Va looks into Biam's blue eyes.

"I'm not sure." A shockwave ripples throughout the space station, signalling the arrival of four large warships equipped with cannons large enough to destroy a planet. Dictor Va's eyes widen, and dart back to Biam.

"Prepare the Hawke. For me, for you, for your family. This station will be destroyed in the next couple hours. Tell all personnel to evacuate to escape shuttles. Tell them to remain calm. Open all hangar bay doors to release the Bunyip fighters. Mobilise warship Menzies. All officers remain alert and watch out for a breach." A slight air of panic plays in Dictor Va's voice. The orders he issued were almost too much for the sixteen-fingered captain to keep up with. "Send a distress call to all surrounding Empire stations. Station Keating will not fall."

Then the warships open fire.

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