Aklen I

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Loud alarms blare overhead while shouts ring out, directing the various crew members to check the flubertograpin knob and see if it is turned all the way up. All this is white noise to Aklen, as his focus was on his bitbot. The artificial intelligence, playfully named Bitty, that normally acted as an assistant was now helping Aklen with his pre-flight checklist. "Sir, have you turned the flubertograpin knob all the way up?" Bitty chided in a motherly tone.

"Yes, yes, I've done that. What next? I need to be out those doors in two minutes!"

"Well then, Sir, you may go. Just make sure to be back by the time your laundry is dry."

"Yes, Bitty." Aklen starts the engine of his Bunyip and primes the boosters. The hangar bay doors opened, and Bunyip01, Bunyip02 and Bunyip03 are launched. Next is Aklen, and his Bunyip04 floats toward the doors. A ping sounds above his head, and Aklen's ship is thrust into space. After he's launched, he sits for a second in the cold darkness of space. He groups up with all the other Bunyips. "This is Bunyip Squadron Leader Bush patching in; sound off, please. Bunyip01?"

"Standing By", a scratchy voice replies quickly.


"Bunyip02 standing by"


"Locked and loaded, Sir"


"Ready as always, Sir" Aklen replies with a determination in his voice.


"Standing by"

"Okay gentlemen, let's do this." Captain Bush says into his headset, and the battle begins as Bunyip Squadron surges forward. 

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