Aly I

30 3 2


Peaceful sleep

A smooth hand falls on her face

She opens her eyes.

Aly sees a face

A familiar face

Her father's face.

"Morning, Dad"

"Alyssa, you need to get up. Keating is under attack by some unknown ships. Station destruction is imminent. Menzies has been dispatched, but no word whether it has engaged. Bunyips are fighting well, but will soon be cut down by the enemies' Manticores. All inhabitants must report to shuttle Deakin." Her father's apparition shimmers and disappeared. It has been three years since her father's death in the Great Vamperian War. This apparition was not him, but Aly wasn't sure what it was. After the letter came, this... ghost started appearing every time Aly woke up. The ghost gave her information about what was going to happen that day or is currently happening now. Aly asked her uncle about this, but he offered no information. Aly couldn't communicate with the apparition, she could not tell it to disappear. It simply went poof when she acknowledged his information. She sits up, her long brown hair plastered to the side of her face. She brushes it away and swings her feet over her bed. She feels the cold grey floor beneath her toes. Alyssa shivers and stands up.

A tremor rocks the ship, and Aly falls back onto her bed. She immediately gets up, her eyes alert. Aly realises she needs to get out of here, and fast. She grabs her chatpad and bolts out of her quarters. Aly lunges for her uncle's room, but he's not there. He's probably at the hangars, she thinks quickly. Aly grabs her backpack and a change of clothes and she sprints out of the apartment and is nearly trampled by a mob of school children screaming and crying. They were waddling down the hallway, shrieking. Their teacher is trying to calm them down, but she herself has red eyes. As they pass, she joins the queue of residents walking towards Deakin. She glances out the Perspex window of the station, as a battle roars. She sees bright yellow lights flashing across the void, explosions sounding from left, right and centre. She sees Bunyip fighters being trailed by Manticore ships, and three huge, dark warships behind the Manticore fighters A large figure looms to the left of the station. The warship Menzies looms with it's large railguns and gleaming coat. A projectile heading toward the station catches Aly's eye. She watches it come towards her, and jumps out of the way. A loud BANG! sounded, and three black-clad figures stepped out. 

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