Chapter Three - Y/N Rogers

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~Three Months Later~
Today was the day Bucky was going off on his mission, I don't know when he will be getting back, I was a bit upset I don't want him to go. Fury said this might be a long mission and they might not get back for a few months, I sat at the breakfast table twisting the ring around my finger, I jolt up when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"James Buchanan Barnes! I swear to god if you do that again." I warn him.

"Your gonna do what? Make me sleep outside with the dogs?" I glare at him.

"We don't have any dogs." I laugh at him, he just gives me that idiotic smirk that he's a pro at doing.

"It's just a saying doll." He kisses my temple before walking off.

I walked away cleaning things up in the kitchen. I grab my phone and turning on my Spotify playlist on; I started dancing around putting dishes away until I bumped into something making me trip over. I land flat on my butt before looking up and seeing bucky standing there like a dork.
"Are you going to help me up or what?"

"What's in it for me? Just kidding." He pulls me up into his arms, swinging me around laughing.

I stare into his eyes, getting lost, if possible loving him more then before. Like a movie, we very slowly lean in and kiss passionately. Just before things started to get heated, we get interrupted by Steve.

"Sorry guys, but we need to get going." Steve looked guilty that he disturbed our moment.


"I'm going to miss you." I hug my brother as we said our goodbyes, I gave him one last hug and turned to Bucky.

"I promise when I get back I will marry you." I didn't look up when he said that.

"That's what you said before you and Steve went on that mission, and then I found out you fell from the train." I wipe away the tears I was getting.

He already had tears in his eyes he gives me a big hug before kissing me on the head, "I promise, that I will stay on the ground. I have to make sure I return to my best girl."

Then he walks out the door every few steps looks back to see if I am still there and continued to do so as they drove away. I walk back into the building once they were out of sight. I see Clint leaning on the counter as I walk by he passes me a shopping bag, which I give him a confused look.

"Natasha told me to give you this, she had to go Bruce needed help with something." I widen my eyes, understanding what was in the bag now.

"Uh, do you know what it is?" He just shook his head and walked off.

Walking into the bathroom I set the bag on the counter, why didn't I get this earlier? I asked her yesterday to buy this for me. I take one of the boxes out of the bag and quickly read the instructions, I've never done this before. Once I read them I take one of the sticks out and pee on it, then resting it on the counter setting a timer on my phone. 

Not long after my phone goes off indicating its time to check, and there it was positive...

No, it couldn't be, so I took out another stick, did the same. Once the time was up I checked what it said..... Positive.

I just wanted to be sure so I peed on the last stick from the box and then opened, the second box which was a different brand. Did the same, peed on all three tests and then set my timer on my phone. 

My phone went off, saying it was time to check. I was nervous. I had all six tests there lined up and ready for me to review. I look at them all, Positive, Positive, Negative, Positive, Negative, Positive, Positive.

My breathing started to quicken...

Again Sorry here is the second one. I promise the next chapter will be up tomorrow lots of love xxx

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