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Italics- Eren Sherwood
Bold- Noah Sky

"So good news!"

"There is the Eren I know!"

"Oh shut up. Do you want to hear the good news or not?"

"Go on."

"So the superviser got fired today!"

"How may days did she even work there for?"

"For a week. The owner just took her in because of a family friend but she came to check in today and saw that she was harassing the other workers which made her mad because she is a sweet soul and she fired her. She looked so cool doing that."

"I'm happy for you. At least you got your working environment back."

"I know right. So how did your day go?"

"Same old, same old. People ignoring me, me giving back glares and most of my time spent alone."

"Geez. You're such a loner. Not healthy at all. You should smile more. I bet you have a wonderful smile."

"I doubt that. And I can't smile when I don't want to."

"Well then what makes you smile?"

"What makes me smile?"

"Yeah. Like my favorite Disney movies makes me smile. My cupcakes makes me smile. Long walks makes me smile. The rain makes me smile."

"Everything makes you smile."

"So what is it that melts your cold heart and makes you smile?"

"My mom."

"That's wonderful."

"But she passed away so there's no reason for me to smile any more."

"...oh. but thats not true!"

"If the reason isn't here, how can I smile?"

"Her memories are there. She's there in your heart. She's there in the kitchen where she cooked for you. She's there in your bedroom when she tucked you to bed. She's there in the living room where she laughed with you. She's everywhere. Even though not physically, she's there as memories and that should be enough to make you smile. And everyone has beautiful smiles. Understand?"

"I will forever be curious to know how you even know things about me. It's amazing how you have the right thing to say every time."

"I know I'm amazing."


"You laughed."

"Yes because you're amusing."

"I'm glad you find me amusing."

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