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Italics: Eren
Bold: Noah

"I think I'm going to burn down our house."

"You think that's a good idea?"


"Good. I'd be concerned if it was."

"But ugghhh! I'm so frustrated with stupid Bentley."

"Who's Bentley?"

"My uncle."

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Do you know the story of Cinderella?"


"Well he's the male version of the evil step-mother. He makes sure my life is a living hell no matter how hard I try to tell myself it's not."

"He does not..."

"Oh no he does not. He's too much of a coward. But he sure knows how to push my buttons because I swear I can just burn the whole house down right now."

"I always shout in the open when I'm this frustrated."

"Where do you go?"

"The hill up at St. Luke's."

"Hmm. That's pretty near. I think I might go visit."

"It's late. Don't go now."

"Even if I wanted to I can't. But thanks for letting me know. I knew I could count on you partner."

"But honestly, like I told before, you don't deserve any of this. "

"What do I deserve then?"

"You deserve affection, you deserve open arms, you deserve cupcakes with strawberries on top, you deserve hugs, you deserve ice creams on a summer day and you deserve someone to give you all that."



"Will you give me all that?"

"I'm scared to be honest."


"I want to give you everything you deserve but I'm scared I'm not capable enough."

"You want to know what I think?"


"I think you're capable enough, Noah Sky."


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