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The past week had been stressful for Eren with all the baking she had to do for 'Little Miracle's' bake sale. She was happy when she was at the shop after school, testing out various recipes she could use and she was busy too. But once in a while, her thoughts drifted to Noah who hadn't called or picked her call whenever she tried calling him. She didn't want to come off as rude. She was anything but rude but she also knew she had to do the right thing even if it meant hurt for the both of them.

"Eren are you ready?"

Her supervisor's voice broke her train of thoughts and she plastered the smile on her face which she had mastered over the years.

"I am. Let's go "


"Don't be such a grumpy cat Noah." Kate sighed from beside a brooding Noah. "You look like you want to kill everyone around you."

"Well what if I want to?" Noah snapped back while Kate just glared at him.

"Then you have to not show it dumbass. I don't want you going to jail. It costs money to bail you out." Kate deadpanned but calmed down when Noah didn't show any sign of reaction. Also why aren't you having your lunch?" Kate asked, stuffing her face with the rest of the burger on her plate.

"I'm not hungry."

"...everything good at home?" Kate casually asked.

Noah gritted his teeth and nodded. Even if it wasn't, he didn't want Kate to worry about it anymore than she already did.

"Okay this is not going anywhere. Why don't we take a nice, long walk this pleasant day? It could clear all the shit that's collected in your head. Or maybe you could be a little less grumpy." Kate smiles wide, standing up from her seat in the cafeteria.

Noah looked up at her. "I don't want to take a walk "

"Hmm did you hear that? No? Me neither. Now get up you lazy oaf. We haven't bunked school in a while. You'll just be glaring and scaring people for no reason if you stay here."

Noah didn't resist when Kate pulled him up, latching herself to his arm and pulling him out of the cafeteria. Maybe he really did have to clear his head.


"Thank you for coming! Have a nice day!" Eren smiled wide at the retreating customer and put the money in the box next to her on the table. The bake sale had been going on well and tiredness and exhaustion was slowly creeping in. It was draining her out physically and mentally with everything going on but she didn't want others to feel uncomfortable around her. She wouldn't wish that on others. She could smile and be happy at least for today.

"Are you doing okay?" Sarah, one of her co-workers came to stand next to her, while putting some baked goods on the table.

"Yeah. It's so good to see people's happy faces. Our bake sale surely is a success." Eren grinned.

"It sure is. I mean, your cupcake is the highlight of the day. I've always known it would be a hit in the neighbourhood." Sarah smugly said making Eren laugh.

"Oh shush. Let's get back to selling these yeah? I didn't know it would be this rushed."

"Like I said. Your cupcakes." Sarah winked before walking towards her table. Eren shook her head in amusement and got back to talking to the customers.

It was a good idea that they came to a flea market next to the park. The stall attracted the kids specially it was really getting rushed as the day went by. Eren could feel her exhaustion reaching at its peak but that didn't stop her. She could do this at least until the end of the day. Just a little more.

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