my life (short story 1)

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(Hey guys so I am having a wonderful night how about you? well anyway my night is going pretty bad but if I ever wanna write short stories they are going in this little thing :) this is the first one enjoy!)

date: 24/05/18

Well, this is not how I thought my night would go... 1 my parents are fighting downstairs 2 im sitting in my room scared and 3 I don't know why the storm is so loud right now. Small clear raindrops fall on my roof, the sounds make me have goosebumps then sound makes me feel safe in my own home. When I have something going on in my house like fighting, for example, I simply close my door and lay in bed listening to the peaceful sounds of raindrops on my roof since im on the top floor I can hear them drop on my rooftop. Oh, wait I think the fighting stop all I hear now is the loud sound of the vacuum and a few calm voices. I honestly love being in my room I like it the most when im alone in my room with no one in so that I can do my own thing without people telling me stuff while im trying to do my own thing. I now hear laughing from my annoying cousin he has to stay with us for a bit because- it's too complicated to answer anyway. Back to me talking about how much I love being alone it all started when I was younger and my sister said to me I don't wanna play with you anymore and from then I played by myself and I used to come up with the cool games and I loved it I felt happy and now it's usual for me to be alone in my room like I am loving my room but im gonna redecorate and make it feel amazing to be in. I have a wall in my room called the love wall and it has printed color pictures stuck on with blue tack and its all the things I love on it and the other wall across the room has a poster... and it's my favorite poster in the world. It has 2 girls on it kissing... now you may find that weird but for me, since I am a bisexual it makes me feel happy looking at it because I imagine that they are a happy couple who love each other. But what it reminds me most of is what I don't have and what I could have if I wait a bit instead of begging people to date me I like to take my time with certain things which I find that looking at it just makes me happy to be who I am.

(Thanks for reading my first short story! there's more where this one came from! xoxo)

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