Two. I kissed a girl

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Hiyaaa guys and gays! And....lesbians...gals...bisexuals....queers....transgenders....unisex-lovelies....pansexuals...asexuals....heterosexuals...animals...plants...Basically you get what I'm saying here? Anyhow. Enjoy.
🕛 morning. 10:00 am.
Pooper topaz: i kissed a girl and I liked it.
Pooper topaz: The taste of her cherry chap stick.
Pooper topaz: I kissed a girl just to try it...I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
Cheryl: Okay...I get you're least text that to me when I'm awake.
Pooper topaz: Us girls we are so magical, Soft skin, red lips, so kissable...Hard to resist so touchable Too good to deny it, Ain't no big deal, it's innocent.
Cheryl: now you're gay? mean you like both genders...nice...Ok bye.
Pooper topaz: He can f**k you good, but I can f**k you betta...Etta etta etta etta etta...I can f**k you betta...Etta etta etta etta etta ay.
Cheryl: OMG Toni are you drunk?
Pooper topaz: yaaaassss! Lost midge...I'm freaking SINGLE!
Cheryl: how are you typing that well if you're drunk?
Pooper topaz: other tipsy friend is typing...I'm just dicktating.
Cheryl: oml your 'friend' spelt dictating wrong.
Pooper topaz: Oh secaraeht I dind.
Cheryl: ok...buh-bye.
Pooper topaz: byeeeeegzgvrtfxf.
🕛 evening. 5:00 pm.
Pooper topaz: Halo.
Pooper topaz: bonjour.
Pooper topaz: namaste.
Pooper topaz: suck my d**k
Cheryl: wow are you still drinking? Well that's a good damn world record there sister.
Pooper topaz: Okay yeah I read the texts they were...hilarious.
Cheryl: 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿
Pooper topaz: wow...great use of colour equality there. Bravo.
Cheryl: do not sass Cheryl bombshell or I'll sass you.
Pooper topaz: Okay...that's your real name? Cheryl 'bombshell' is a...Pretty fancy name.
Cheryl: no full name is Cheryl Blossom. My Twitter handle is Cheryl bombshell. Be sure to follow me xoxo.
Pooper topaz: can I?
Cheryl: um no.
Pooper topaz: figured. Anyhow. Show me your face!
Cheryl: why?
Pooper topaz: cause I showed mine.
Cheryl: what is this? Show your face challenge?
Pooper topaz:

Cheryl: what is this? Show your face challenge? Pooper topaz:

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Cheryl: did you just had that in your camera roll just took this?
Pooper topaz: don't ask.
Cheryl: ok. Well I'm not as pretty as you but here we go.

 Well I'm not as pretty as you but here we go

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Pooper topaz is offline.

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