Four. 10 questions

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Hey! Uh...I mean hiyaaaaaaa guys and gals and non-binary genders and're you doing today? Good? Bad? Good and bad? Well I hope this works for you.
🕛 midnight. 12:30 pm.
Cheryl: Hey. Don't ask why I texted you first but did you see your local smash magazine cover?
Toni: wow how'd you know I like to be up at this time 😘
Cheryl: shut up and do as I say. Or you'll regret it sister.
Toni  yeah...I'll only do as you say cause of the sister part 🤢
Cheryl: why are you using emojis today?
Toni: I dunno...just wanna try new things 😸
Cheryl: Yeah Okay Alright hurry up.
Toni: ok fine I'll go get it from my mum's big magazine stash Wait here k?
Cheryl: ooookay?
Two minutes ago.
Five mins later:
Toni: holllllyyyyy ffff****kkkk you're serious? Thiiiiissss
Cheryl: ikr?

Cheryl: ikr?Toni:

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Duddddeeee. Are you serious?
Cheryl: Yeah they asked me for a shoot as I was walking by. Guess I'm that pretty...too bad.
Toni: ok ok ok. Seriously. Wow
Cheryl: for my looks or for me bring on the cover for the mag?
Toni: ehhh I dunno bout how you look...
Cheryl: 🖕🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏻
Toni: I appreciate your use of colour equality again my lord 👏👏
Cheryl: 😒
Cheryl: Okay I'm gonna go away. Enjoy.
Toni: Ugh fine I'll stop.
Cheryl: thank you.
Toni: so I was wanna play truth or truth?
Cheryl: you mean '10 questionnaires'
Toni: Yeah. Right.
Cheryl: sure.
Toni: ok?
Cheryl: Are you going to go first and ask?
Toni: first of all...thank god you didn't say sister or amazing. Second, you go first m'lady.
Cheryl: 🙄
Toni: ☺️
Cheryl: Okay then Toni topaz. First question: Tell me about yourself.
Toni is typing.
Two mins later:
Toni: hi weirdo. My name's Toni topaz and I'm 18. I'm from Southside high and i live in a small hut because that's what the government is doing to the Southside. I, and I sometimes try to write but i thing it's cringe so I don't. I've only had two girlfriends my whole life...well I'm bi but I guess I haven't had a guy? I have a friend named Jughead. I believe he's in northside now but...whatevs.
Cheryl: um besides the first to words...that was great
Cheryl: you go now.
Toni: ok. Second question. Are you sure you're straight.
Cheryl: Yes. Third question. Are you sure you're gay.
Toni: bi. And yeah.
Tony is typing.
Toni: you seem to be pretty dismissive of your sexuality.
Cheryl: are you going to ask?
Toni: oops. Forth question, are you in dismissal of your sexuality?
Cheryl: can't you leave it be? I'm not gay or anything. Do you not understand?
Toni: Okay Okay. Forth question. Have you ever kissed a girl.
Cheryl: no. Fifth question, have you kissed a guy?
Toni: Uh...yeah?
Cheryl: dammit.
Toni: got ya 😂 okay. Sixth question. What do you think about your closet?
Cheryl: it's massive...I got all of my Victoria's secret dresses. Ugh I don't have the diamond one yet.
Toni: I was going to make a joke about you being in the closet but...nvm.
Cheryl: 🙄 seventh question, favourite Victoria's secret item.
Toni: I'm more of an urban outfitters girl...
Cheryl: go to Hell.
Toni: youre hell.
Cheryl is typing.
........('(...'...'.... ¯~/'...')
.........."...\.......... _.·'
Toni: wow...great artistic skills.
Cheryl: can you ask?
Toni: oh yea...which question?
Cheryl: seventh. Look at the previous texts stupid.
Toni: weird that you know that but Okay. Seventh question...have you ever been in love?
Cheryl: no. I don't believe in love. Eighth question. Favourite song?
Toni: Who let the dogs out...describes me well.
Cheryl: no comment.
Toni: ninth. Worst Date?
Cheryl: don't ask.
Toni: please?

Cheryl: are you serious? Ugh

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Cheryl: are you serious? Ugh. Fine. I got set up with this guy on a dating app. Found out I texted the wrong guy. So yeah...that was awkward in trying to explain to him that he's not my date.
Toni: got you to talk babe. ;)
Toni: fiiine. Last question?
Cheryl: after this I'm going.
Toni: Alright. Mouth shut.
Cheryl: do you have a crush on anyone?
Toni: Yeah.
Cheryl: Tell me about them! I can give great tips on how to make them drool when they see you.
Toni: well I don't know if she will drool.
Cheryl: Okay. First off...spam their mobile with cute pics of them photographed with you.
Tony is typing.

Toni is offline

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Toni is offline.
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