Chapter 1

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"Milla! Are you packed?" My dad yelled from the downstairs corridor. He tended to pronounce Milla like how a Spanish person would in the Spanish language, mee-yah. I honestly can't tell you why.

The small England taxi cab was waiting for me and my 2 luggage cases.

I've learned not to pack too much for moving. So I threw out clothes I didn't wear and kept the ten shirts and pants I wore most.

I honestly didn't care what people thought of me. I was my own self and no one was gonna change that.

I brought down my guitar case and two suit cases and piled them in the trunk.

"Next stop, France." My dad smiled as the cab left our pent house apartment to go to the airport about , a half hour away.

I plugged my head phones in blasting Bastille. I laughed at the small amount of irony.

I was heading to Paris, blasting Bastille.

If you don't get that I don't know how you live, well I guarantee the person reading this doesn't go to a different country every month since they were two.

Did I mention I was 17? Yeah that might be important.

I turn 18 in two weeks.

My dad let me decide where to go.

He had one month off of writing and it happened to be my birthday month.

So I chose France, I've always had a fascination with the language and the country.

I could speak it fluently.

There was a time when I got paid to help my dad write his journals.

He was a journalist. (Duh)

My English teachers, well, I consider it English but it's not necessarily English in other countries... But you get wha I'm saying.

Anyway, my "English" teachers always said I had a nack for writing.

That and I could write each of my sentances in at least two languages.

My father said it would take me far.

We climbed the steps onto the small aircraft and headed to first class.

I get that I sound extremely rich, but it's really only because my dad works for like a million publishing companies in each country, and they pay for the trips.

I just like the fact that I can sneak champagne when I want, but only little sips.

Our flight left early because we boarded and they didn't feel like waiting.

Neither did I, the wait before we take off messes with my patience and I get crazy, time slows and it feels weird.

We take off to the sound of "Don't Stop" in my head phones.

I smile hearing the Australian band I had the privilege of writing about in some Australian magazine.

My phone buzzed.

Another upload of Connor franta on both his main and collab channels.

I was like Troye Sivan. I uploaded whenever I wanted.

But of course, my 50 subscribers never noticed.

I've been exploring new youtubers such as Daniel Ferrell and Spencer Holland.

Yes I know they are like five years younger than I am, but I laugh when 12 year olds comment asking to marry a 15 year old.

That's like me marrying Sawyer Hartman.

But that would never happen, I'm moving everywhere and the chances of me coming back to America are very slim.

The song changes to a nirvana song and my dad looks down to smile.

He appreciates my taste in music.

That's basically my life.

My dad and I, on a plane, in some foreign country I already speak fluent in.

I decided to go to the bathroom to watch the video.

I always get embarrassed when I'm watching a youtuber and my dad looks down and goes "is that your boyfriend?"

Of course not!

I can't get a boyfriend for my life!

Blonde hair and green eyes won't get me very far.

(You think that's pretty, think again.)

His video was about VidCon, happening in three weeks.

Maybe if I ask my dad he can take me for my birthday...

Although I doubt it... The chances of my father taking me too America for one week are, again, very slim.

But maybe, since I will be 18, he will let me go on my own...

I don't know, I'll ask when my birthday is near...

30 minutes to landing and I have absolutely nothing to do.

"Champagne?" My dad asks.

I can't refuse a sip.

It reminds me of Shakespeare, drinking the stars.

I smile remembering the play we once saw in Britain.

My phone never buzzes from texts or calls.

The only call I ever have gotten and ever will get is from my dad.

I'll never ever get a call from my mom, mostly because she's dead.

She died giving birth to me. That's why I'm an only child on a trip around the world for my whole life.

I don't mind though. I spent years blaming myself for her death.

But I finally realized I was a baby, a premature fetus that in no way could've killed my not ready mother.

We landed in Paris and I took in the familiar sites.

The Eiffel Tower in the distance awaiting my presence.

The taxi cab came to pick us up and we traveled to our small apartment pent house.

I kind of lies about the whole "fancy rich houses." Unless apartments count as a house for you... In which case I didn't lie.

I smiled excited to be in the city I loved most.



I'm Hannah, Hannah De Chalais...

Yeah... That youtuber you've probably never heard of unless you found Jessica's fanfic about me :)

So this fanfic starts out super slow and I'm sorry, but bare with me.



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