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We both walked downstairs into the kitchen where everyone else was. Mom was cooking and dad was talking to the boys. Minnie sat on a stool at the island, while I sat on the counter.

"Hey ladies, I thought yall left." my mom asked

"Just talking bout tomorrow, we're really excited." I answered.

Minnie tilted her head towards David. But I shock my head in refusal. She sighed deeply. "Fine!" She mouthed.

"David, you've never seen our house since you and DJ lost contact have you." Minnie said trying to hide her laugh.

David thought for a minute.

"Um no I can't say that I have."

"Oh well what kind of friends are we? Mickey can show you around, Cant you Mick?"

JESUS, this girl was tryna make me go to jail. I understand that the ones you love always tryna help you out but DAMN, can she be anymore obvious.

"Yeah come on."

I hopped off the counter. And when David passed me I turned to flick Minnie of with both fingers. The turned quickly back around.

"Its really nothing fancy, you saw the kitchen, here's the living room, down the hall is the office office, play room. Through those double doors is the pool. We also have a basketball court."

I didn't hear foot steps anymore. I looked in the rooms we already came through. He had stopped in the office. Looking at pictures of the family.

"You alright?"

He jumped which made me jump.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just caught my attention. Can I ask a question? "

"Yeah shoot."

"How come there's no pictures of any of yall pass the age of like 10?"

"My mom was in the air force and when she was on her last deployment her squad had been captured. They were kept wherever for two years. When they finally found them, or the ones who were alive. They brought her back home and..." I trailed off. I could feel my eyes swelling with tears. "Yea anyway My dad brought her back home, the day I met you at the beach."

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit a nerve. I just remember Dj saying she was gone but he never spoke much on it. Lets just finish the tour."


I showed him my parents room. Then to the second floor where DJ's And Minnie's room where. They both had they're own bathrooms in the room. Then the spare room. We also had a movie room.

"Ok, here is the best part of the whole house."

I grabbed David's wrist a pulled him back out into the hall and up the flight of stairs to the right of the room.

"Are you taking me into an attic?" David asked

"Here we go." I pushed my room door open

He stepped in and stood in the middle of the room.

"Wow, this is too clean. But why you all up in the attic?"

"I was down on the second floor but when things started changing I needed to have space. Okey doke, that concludes the tour."

We went back downstairs and helped set the table. Everyone sat down while Minnie and my mom brought out the food. My dad said a blessing and we dug in. Everyone was smacking. When dinner was over and we all helped cleaned up. David finished dryin the dishes. Then dried off his hands.

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