10.Start your engines

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My eyes were red, blurry, and stinging, water droplets kissed my cheeks. My throat is sore and dry. I can see people snatching my mom back. And yelling, vicious yelling. Minnie in the doorway. Dj helping my dad pick up my mother up. Her hands are bloody. 

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!!!!! I shot up quick, I looked around. Checking my surroundings to make sure I was alone. I touched my scare on my cheek. Why was I having that dream? 

Then it hit me! "I'M GRADUATING BITCHES!!!!" 

I didn't even know what time it was. I looked at the clock, 5:15. Not bad I still had time to get Minnie up and get ready. We still had to get my nonno, nonna, and aunt Carmen .And I still gotta text David, I grabbed my phone.

Me:"Just wanted to let you know that the graduation is at the High School. At 5, on the field. You don't have to get all fancy."

I pulled off the covers, stretched, peed, then went downstairs to the second floor. I tapped on Minnies door. She groaned. I walked in and pulled her covers off. I sat next to her on the edge.

"Rise and shine. I'm not going to get them by myself. So get the fuck up." I smacked her in the head

"Leave me the fuck alone. And I'm up. What's the plan?" Minnie was sitting up now.

"Go there, pick them up, drive to the beach house, drop them off, leave moms car so they can go to the graduation."

"So we taking two cars? Then that means I get to drive at the crack of dawn. Yippee!" She said sarcastically.

"Your driving moms car and I'm driving mine. Oh and we going shopping after we get this all done. I wanna grab some stuff for my hair."

Her mood shifted into a better state."Ok!"

I left her room and started getting ready. I pulled on some joggers and a crop top. Since I was gonna be running crazy errands, might as well look cute. Mickey opened my door.

"Ready, I grabbed moms keys. Im wearing what I have on till we come back to get ready."

"Im dressed and got my stuff, lets go!"

I followed her down the stairs. We hopped into the cars and drove away from the house. I spent most of the drive praying that I would get an answer to my dilemma with these boys. Sky has been my best friend since like 4th grade, then we started going out in middle school. There's so  much time between us how can I give all up. Then when his dad and brother started getting into stealing cars. I helped Sky stay busy and away from them. He's seen his mom abused by his father, he's been homeless and when he needed somewhere to stay he came here. Now he's big on weed and drinking. Just wish things went different for him. His potential is a lot greater than he thinks, he just chooses to waste it.    

On the other hand, even tho I just met David. He's more responsive to my family, sweeter, and he has a plan for his life. He wants to be more than what he is now.

My nonno, nonna, and aunt were already outside waiting on us. By the look on my aunts face, you could tell my nonna had been complaining the whole time. I stopped the car in front of them. Put it in park and got out to help.

"Ciao mi famila."

(Hey my family)

"Ciao, how's my niece you look beautiful, your skin is glowing. Are you having safe sex?" My aunt Carmen asked in her accent.

" No ma'am!" I lied.

" Yeah me neither. " she said distastefully.

I couldn't help but laugh. She had a spunky attitude, which made you either like her or hate her. Minnie walked up to us and pulled the luggage to my trunk.

"Heeyyy. Cant believe yall are actually here how was the trip?" Minnie asked.

"Terrible, your grandma wouldn't shut up. Everything, she had to complain about. I can't do that again. Or I'll die." My aunt answered.

My nonna looked at me and Minnie. She kissed our cheeks. She was in her 60s, my nonno was a couple years older. They still after all these years cared about each other. They also didn't speak a lick of English. So our conversation didn't mean anything to them.

"Alright lets go, me and Minnie still have things to do before tonight." I told the group.

My aunt rode with me, while my nonna and nonno rode with Minnie. For a while my aunt Carmen just sits there quietly. Which is very unlike her. She broke the silence.

"Mickey I have to tell you something, out of all my brothers children you are the most level headed.  But I think you show be one of the first to that I have stage 3 breast cancer." Her voice trembling.

"How long have you known? Why am I just now knowing?" Now my voice shaking.

" We just found out 3 months ago, I didn't want yall worrying before your graduation. But I wanted to tell you now before I told everyone else. I had planned on telling everyone in a couple days but with your dad surprisingly bringing your mom home and I know it would be a lot especially how things transpired between you and her. Im going to wait. "

"Okay, I know that you're going to be able to get through this. We are a strong family." I patted her leg.

This was just another bomb being dropped on our family. I feel like ever since I was 10 my life has been all gas no breaks. One thing after another, but I couldn't sit here and sulk. My aunt needed more than ever now. 

Since I was in thought for a long time I didn't seem like a long drive. I pulled there bags out the back and walked to the door. Opening it, we haven't been here in ages. It seemed almost scary. But never bad memories in this place. So that was a plus.

Minnie finally got my nonna and nonno situated. She came back downstairs. Minnie looked like my grandma had been giving her trouble the whole ride.

"Can we please hurry up and leave before she realizes I'm not in there."

"Yeah, Aunt Carmen we are leaving moms car so you can get Uncle Tony and the boys. It starts at 5:00, then everyone is coming back here. I left everybody phone number on the table if you need anything."

"Ok darlings see you in a little while." She sat on the couch and turned on the TV. We walked down the drive way.

"You wanna grab some breakfast real quick?"

" Yeah that sounds good." Minnie said while getting in the car.

We stopped by through Panera for food. Even with her mouth full Minnie was just ranting on and on about tonight. Especially the party we were invited to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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