Chapter 2

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Roman's POV

I can't believe that My Chemical Bastard had the audacity to drop me! Not only did he laugh at it, but he didn't even apologize or help me back up! I try flirting once and this is what I get!? What a- wait a second. I tried flirting.. with the lanky Park? (Lincoln Park joke) God who am I? I'm not gay.. I mean, sure Thomas is but I'm just a part of him.. then again, if all people to be that part of him... it would be me. I control his love life.. which means.. oh my god I'm gay.

I ran downstairs seeing everyone there. "OH MY GOD GUYS IM GAY!" Everyone just started at me. "We.. all are." Logan exclaimed. "Except me.. I'm bi.." anxiety muttered. "What..?" I asked. Had they really.. are they all really gay..? How have I not known about this! " Preposterous.. How could.. I'm utterly confused.."  I stood there is shock for a bit. I thought I would've been the only one.. but then again.. Thomas is gay.. why didn't I think of this..? "Well sense you're here kiddo, you wanna watch a movie with us?" Patton asked. "Of course! Is it a Disney movie?" I asked  "No. it's a scary movie. It's called the (insert scary movie name here)" Virgil explained to me. "O-oh.." "You're not scared.. are you?" Virgil said with a smirk on his face. "O-of course not! I just.. am excited!" "Mhm.. right.." I sigh. I've never really been a scary movie person. They scare me out of my mind but I can't let the others know. I sat down next to Virgil while Logan played the movie.

Virgil's POV

Logic started the movie and already Roman was freaking out. Sure, there was a jump-scares at the beginning but it's not that bad. Near the middle of the movie there some uh.. pretty gruesome stuff and Roman jumped and buried his face into my chest. I stoked his hair and glanced over at Logan and Patton. Logan had his left hand over Patton's shoulder and his other hand covering his eyes. They're cute together, they really are. I looked down at Roman who shook in fear. I ran my fingers through his hair and he looked up at me, his face red. My face burned realizing what I had just done. I stood up and Logan paused the movie. "Where are you going kiddo?" Patton asked me. "I-I uhm.. need the bathroom." I said and rushed up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and slashed water on my face. What am I doing? I thought to myself. I looked in the mirror, my eye shadow smearing down my face. I wiped off the makeup and heard a knock at the door. "You okay Virg..?" It was Roman. "Y-yeah I'm fine... just uh.. yeah.." I stated awkwardly. "...Can I come in..?" I turned the door handle and let him in. "Whoa.." he said. I looked at him, confused.

Never before - Roman x Virgil + Patton x Logan Where stories live. Discover now