32.A summer's dream.

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~A breezy night, the warm delight, the sweet evenings, she was a summer's dream.~

His dearly book in his hands, the poetry book he wrote for her. Opened the first page,

Dedicated to my love,
my sunshine

Turned the page,

Each night, i wait for her to pour in me, just like molten gold liquid.
Slowly, she dribbles in my bloodstream, criculating with my blood making me pure again, the snow around me, fading.

I feel her floral self, lumbering each of my organ and then seeping into my mind. The glitter of her body spreads out in my head, my veins sparkle with her ebullient light, heart bulges with ripples of summer breezes.
I experience the summers again.

My heart is murky they say, but when she fills me completely, i feel nothing but waves of sweet warmness beaming around me.

The land of my heart is barren without her, no flowers, no floral sap spilling out of it, and nothing does it even needs. Just her once gentle walk on it would make the flowers bloom, the summery evenings fresh again.

And if she's the dream I'll have every winter night, I'd sleep the rest of my life to feel her, to dream her.

Im a winter's night, but
she's a summer's dream.

A pure smile wraps around him, as he closes the book again. His warm finger strokes gently at the name of the book,
"A summer's dream."

He reads again,

A summer's dream.


Today was the day, the book signing event. Yes, he has done it a couple of times but this time something was special, this book was special, each and every word that spilled out of his hand was important.
He was excited of the response.

He came out of his car, dressed in gucci, his favorite brand and the fact he can afford it now. A nice gentleman. Flashes of the author taken again, cheering of fans. He made his way inside the bookstore, crammed with heads, with professional cameras and laughs and cries. Met the host and sat at a table.

People one by one came up in lines to get their books signed by the author.

And in each book, that he would sign, would give a little message to the reader thanking them.


"OH," He placed his hand, supporting his chin and made an eye contact with her. "You don't know but I'm so thankful to you. You all make me smile."

He signed books, maybe hundreds at the moment, yet he didn't get tired of it. He loved it. As soon as the event came to an end. He rummaged around the store, getting his own personal time whilst checking some books by different authors.

"Seems like someone forgot about me."

He turned around, "oh, Ms Evan Chan. It's so nice to see you here. Thankyou for coming."

"Surely. It is." She talked on more, but Taehyung couldn't concentrate, since his attention kept lingering at some book shelf where he thought he saw someone familiar.

The girl was standing there, a book in her hand, reading. But he couldn't see her face.
Why do I think it's Yujin?

"Would you excuse me for a while?" He said to Ms Eva and went to that girl.

A summer's dream. ~Taehyung.Where stories live. Discover now