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"5, 6, 7, 8 and left foot, right arm, spin and jump- Jihyo you're off beat. Get yourself together okay? Everyone meet back here, same time tomorrow. We're done for today"

The girls were rehearsing their choreography for an upcoming concert, but Jihyo couldn't keep up. She just didn't have the energy to try any harder than she was already.

Come on, what's wrong with you? You're not trying hard enough.

Stop it. I know. Just please stop saying it.

The rest of the girls started packing up their things, whilst Jihyo returned to the middle of the practice room and began the routine from the beginning. She let out a small groan of frustration as her leg slipped ever so slightly off form.

You're not good enough for this.

Please stop.

She began again, this time with her eyes closed, trying her hardest to get it right.

But she simply didn't have the energy.

Her knees buckled as she fell to the floor with a slight whimper as a pain shot through her calf.

You're just wasting everyone's time. Why can't you get anything right?

"I don't know. I don't fucking know anymore."

Jihyo punched the floor beneath her in anger, mostly directed towards herself. She didn't notice the girls calling her name, or Momo tugging at her sleeve, or Jeongyeon's concerned expression.

Jihyo could only hear what she was telling herself.

You're an embarrassment.

"I know."

You're a waste.

"I know."

You're just not enough.


Jihyo screamed with the remaining energy she had, reducing herself to a ball of tears, pain but most of all, anger.

"I know I'm not enough." She whispered, clutching at her knees.


"Jihyo? Jihyo talk to me. Jihyo!"

The said girl opened her eyes to eight concerned girls clamouring around her. She couldn't look anyone in the eyes, knowing that she had just basically lost it in front of her members.

Well, now you've fucked up.

Never had Jihyo heard truer words.

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