chapter 8 - Breakfast with him

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Kira POV

      I woke up because of my stupid alarm clock "ugghh"

Today was my day off I must have forgotten to turn off the damn thing... last night was amazing, I can't stop thinking about the kiss


The way his lips move with mine its like we were made for each other


I mean that man can sure kiss a gir-

"Don't you hear me calling you?"
"No, why?"
"Scott's here"

What?! Scott is here and I'm totally freaking out right now. How can he be here I'm not dressed. I didn't even brush my teeth yet! I mean, can you blame me? I just got up. I swiftly rush to my bathroom and brush my teeth and took a quick shower.

When I was finished, I slipped into a tight-fitting sunflower knee-length dress that showed off my curvy figure. I then slid on a pair of white heels. Then I put my hair into a natural wavy ponytail and added a little makeup. When I was finished, I looked in the full-length mirror and was pleased with how I looked.

I made my way downstairs and was greeted by a kiss from Scott I was surprised to say the least when he pulled away, I was blushing madly.

"Come on we're gonna get breakfast together".



I was here eating my food while Scott was staring at me not even once glance at the food in front of him

"Are you gonna eat that" I said when I was finished eating " no, want it?"

"No," I lied. I actually was still hungry. I mean those 3 slices of toasted bread with butter, bacon and scrambled eggs didn't do anything to my body but I didn't want to seem greedy so I declined.


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