chapter 13 - Invitation

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Kira POV

After my conversation with Scott or should I say make out  session, we went back to his house and we said our goodbyes to his family and pack members.

In the car ride back to my apartment, Lydia was talking about her mate, Tyler. It was kind of annoying hearing all about that.

Then out of no where Scott interrupted Lydia, "Kira, let's go on a trip. Just the two of us. I have a cabin in the woods about 2 miles from here and before you give me a reply, think about it. We'll get to spend more time together".

"I don't know," I said teasing him

"You don't have to, I mean it was just a suggestion.... "

"Yes" I said laughing at his coolness
"Yes what?" He reply with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I would love to go on the trip with you"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you we leave tomorrow at 10am."

"What! How do you expect me to finish packing by 10 tomorrow morning?!?"

"Well I---" he was then cut off by Lydia's squealing.

"Don't worry your little brain. We'll pack her things before 10am tomorrow," she says smiling wide.

~~~In the morning~~~

"Relax Kira, Scott isn't coming until 30 minutes time"

"How am I suppose to relax when I not even ready and my suitcase isn't packed and I've got 30 minutes left!?!" I shouted at her because its her fault

"Why are you shouting at me like its my fault?"

"Because it is your fault, remember last night....."


" oh yeah, I forgot to tell you we leave tomorrow at 10am"

"What! How do you expect me to finish packing by 10 tomorrow morning?!?"

"Well I ---" he was then cut off by Lydia squealing

"Don't worry your little brain. We'll pack her things before 10am tomorrow"

End of flashback•

"OK, so maybe it is my fault for saying that. But I wasn't the one who invited you on a trip the night before the actual trip,"RING RING RING.


What will happen next?

Will kira get ready in time and pack before Scott comes to pick her up to go on the trip?

Or will she just tell him to cancel the trip?

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