Marriage? PFFT, No Thank You!

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It was just another BORING day!

I had just gotten back from my all girls school and was now trekking through the disgusting streets. I was walking to my sanctuary, just like I did everyday after school. My parents always thought that I'd go and spend time with the other 13 year old girls at school. Being the perfect daughter they always want me to be.

But unfortunately, that was a lie. 

See I was considered an outcast. Always getting in trouble for thinking about the forests and outdoors instead of sewing. To the other girls I was too strange. But all I am is outgoing. I just wish somebody could see that.

As I reached where my sanctuary should have been I realized that the worst thing that could of happened did happen. It had been torn down. There was now nothing but muck in it's place. I felt a tear slip from my eyes as I turned and ran home.

Unfortunately when I got there, it wasn't much better.

I walked inside my home, kicking off my now muddy boots. Wiping my eyes so my mother and father wouldn't notice that I had been crying. I hung up my hat and walked up to the nursery. To my surprise when I walked inside my parents were sitting on my bed. 

"Mother, Father, what are you doing here?" I asked.

My mother looked up, sadness in her eyes, "Petra, you're home."

I nodded and father began to speak,"We received a note from your teacher today, it said that you were distracted by Nature?"

I gasped, this couldn't be happening, but nodded to my father. He shook his head in disappointment,

"You must understand that the time for nature has passed and the time for technology has begun." 

I looked between my father and mother,

"What are you saying father?"

"I am saying it is time for you to grow up."

My eyes widened. I looked over to my mother, who would not meet my eye, as my father continued

"You are to be married by next week."

At that I felt many tears fall down my cheeks, and my mother sob. I began to plead to her.

"Mother, what is he talking about?" 

"Y-You are to b-be married to Alexander Theofern." she whispered.

 Alexander was an 18 year old boy who had always taken a liking to me, I just never thought he'd have the guts to ask my parents for my hand in marriage. I mean, yes most girls where getting engaged at my age, but that didn't mean I ever thought it would happen to me!

"What if I refuse?" I asked gallently

"Then it shall be an arranged marriage." my father retorted.

 I stood there frozen as my mother tried to hug me as she walked passed me. As my father left the room he tilted his head back to me

"You are to wait for Alexander after school tomorrow."

With that he left.

I began to cry my eyes out as I changed into my sleeping gown and fell asleep.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=The Next Day=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The time was now.

School had just ended and I was to wait for Alexander. I began looking around the sea of people in the streets as I waited for him when I realized that I couldn't do this. That's when my eyes met his, Alexander began walking towards me and I turned in the other direction.

Running for my freedom. 

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