Why Not?

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So, it turned out that Peter and it came to Mermaid Lagoon only minutes later. They were talking about finding her brothers and asking the mermaids for help. So Sapphire's plan was put into full swing. While Peter was trying to get information from two of the other mermaids, Arabia and Constanance, Sapphire lured Wendy in. Then Peter had to go and notice what Sapphire was doing and ruin the whole plan!

It was not minutes later that he and Wendy flew off to go and save her brothers from Hook.

I scoffed, "Why should I go help them anyway?"

Sapphire quickly emerged from the waters that were grey from my jealousy. "Petra! Arabia just gave me word that Tiger Lilly is at the Black Castle as well!"

I gasped and flew off, Hook had gone too far this time and I will not let him hurt one of my best friends.

I reached the castle just in time to see Hook and Peter fighting, along with one of Wendy's brothers blushing a deep red while raising the gate.

Perfect. Now I can get inside!

I flew in just as Peter was thrown by the evil hand of  Hook into a net, falling into the water, trapped. I gasped once again and dove into the now disturbed waters. I reached Peter and he was trying to get free, but he had dropped his knife. I quickly unsheathed my own knife, the unused blade shining in the water, causing a light to portray itself to the surface.

I then took the virgin blade and began sawing it into the net, letting Peter free.

Peter then grabbed my hand and I felt tingling go up and through my arm. We then swam to the surface of the still rough waters. While Peter was distracted with me Hook had pulled him up and out of the water holding him to a rock.

"NO!" I said worried.

I have to do something!

I then did something that was very dangerous.

I conjured the giant alligator.

Since it was a creature of the waters I was able to call it to do my bidding, unfortunately using most of my energy.

I watched as Hook's devious right arm leaned towards Peter.

"To die would be an awfully big adventure" he said eyes catching my tearing ones for support.

I began to panic, 'Come on, come on!"


Peter's eyes flew to Hook's with a smirk as Hook's eyes darted to the alligator. As I watched this happen I felt fatigue over take my being, eyelids feeling like cement.

As I fell through the air I heard Hook yell, "Shoot it!", and felt my dead weight being caught by warm arms, once again felling tingles shoot through my body.

If that wasn't enough to notify me Peter had saved me, the sent of Pine and flowers did.

The last thing I remember thinking as I fully slipped into a slumber was,

'Where is Tink?'


I awoke to the sound of the boys and Peter celebrating. I then began to hear whooping and the rough mat under my back realizing that I was at the Native camp. I opened my groggy eyes and immediately began looking for Peter, wishing to ask him about Tink.

As I looked and looked around the camp I realized he wasn't there.

'Where could he be?'

I began to think.


I eagerly began to fly to 'our place' 

But when I got there I saw something I never wanted to see.

Peter was with... with WENDY, in our place!

I watched as she gasped, "What's over there?" she asked as she walked towards a light in the trees, obviously she hadn't noticed me.

Before Peter could go after her I flew forwards and said,


Peter turned to me shocked.

"It wasn't what it looked like!!!!"

Just another broken promise...

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