Just Another Broken Promise...

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I sighed heavily feeling the warm tears on my cheeks grow colder with the blow of the betrayed winds.

"Go ahead Peter, try and explain this to me."

His mouth was moving but all I heard were lies, lies, and more lies. There was no way this girl had found this on her own. There was no way that girl would have gotten Peter to come over without him knowing where he was going.

There was no way Peter wasn't in Wendy's grasp.

"Petra, please! You're not listening to me!" Peter exclaimed trying to take another step towards me.

I took a step back, keeping the distance between us, looking up.

"Peter, where was Tink during all of this. If you really want me to believe you, then you'll get her to tell me what happened." I said knowing that my tiny friend would always be by me or Peter, and since she wasn't by me, I could only assume she was with him.

Peter looked down guiltily, "She can't."

I looked up, the winds beginning to get so strong I could hear the trees creaking in defense against it,

"Exactly, and do you know why Peter? Because you're lying!"

"NO!" Peter yelled suddenly, "I-I banished her!"

By saying this Peter just made his situation worse. They could now hear the waters crashing further onto the Neverland shores than they ever had. I normally would have calmed down by now, worrying for the safety of the pirates, but I was so upset I couldn't think straight.

"Why?" I asked in almost a whisper.

"What?" Peter asked, obviously not hearing the question over the winds.

"WHY?" I screamed at him, more salty tears falling down my face.

"She tried to kill Wendy, Petra!"He said as if it was the worse thing in the world, a look of plea etched into his face.

Peter had banished our little hyper friend before, but never for something as trivial as a game! I began to feel slightly guilty, remembering Tink's promise to me when we had first returned to Neverland with Wendy. I began to feel more anger towards the storyteller, she had gotten my best friend banished! Peter began to take more steps towards me.

"No! You, you stay away from me! Never come near me again! Don't even speak to me!" I began screaming, the winds becoming more violent, "You are telling me that you banished our friend for the likes of that stupid girl!"

I began seeing red as I thrust my arm out, pointing towards the trees where the girl had disappeared only minutes before.

Peter looked at me with guilt on his features, "Wendy could have died..." he mumbled under his breath.

I looked down at the ground, seeing one flower that had stared wilting with Peter's sadness, "Well  I hope she is worth it to you Peter."

I said looking back up, seeming to have no tears left, "Because now you have lost me and Tink for that stupid thing."

As I turned around and ran off I heard Peter calling to me, desperate to get me to come back and reconsider, but I would not. He began to try and fly after me, but he could not due to his sadness. I continued to run until I felt I was at the heart of the forest and sat down, leaning on the trunk of a tree. I was thinking how familiar this position felt when I realized it was the position I was in when I ran away from home.

I looked up at the sky, suddenly feeling exhausted. The winds had calmed down in sorrow as I began nodding off, thinking one last thing,

'I'm all alone again.'

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