Chapter 2 . . . going back to Califonia

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As I got finished packing my bags my dad helped me make my way to the car at 5:00am with the luggage. We drive to Denver International Airport (which took us about 2 hours) and checked in. My dad wasn't going to fly with me, but he had to walk through since I am still under age. He stayed with me until my plane arrived at 9:45am. Until then we walked over to the food court and grabbed something to eat real quick.

"Dad Im nervous, Tatiana isn't here to fly with me to California this time, it will be strange going all by myself." I said with a shaken voice.

"You'll be alright, just call your mom when you get to the Ontario Airport." He said while hugging me.

"Ok dad, thanks for doing this by the way. . . I love you and you're the best dad a girl can have." I replied back sounding emotional.

"You're welcome. Well I think it's time for me to start making my way back to the car and head home, have a safe flight, I love you." He said hugging me tighter

"Love you too dad. . . I'll text you whenever I get the chance, drive safe."

My dad and I were standing right there hugging it out as the passengers got in line to start boarding the plane. I wanted to cry because I already felt alone, but it'd be embarrassing so I saved the tears for later. My dad slowly made his way to the escalators and I could no longer see him. I got in line and the boarding process began.

I finally put my luggage into the storage compartment above our heads and took a seat beside a window. I was glad my flight was at 9:45am because that meant it would still be light out and I can see everything below. Last time I flew to California, it was dark and boring until we reached Las Vegas and everything was lit up.

I was so not ready for a boring two hour flight, sitting next to strangers on a cramped plane. Everyone was finally settled and the flight attendants when over safety rules and guidelines (like anyone pays attention to it any how). The plane started up and we were about to take flight. I decided I should have a nice 2 hour nap, since we don't have a lay over this time

We finally reached Las Vegas, Nevada and the Pilot announced that it should take 35 minutes to get to Ontario, California. I stayed up, and my heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty. I was so excited to see my mom and siblings again after 6 months! We finally landed and it took me a while to make my way to the front of the airport to get picked up since I had got lost. I finally made my way to the front and was waiting there looking and skimming the crowd of cars for my moms silver Chevy Impala. Her fiancé was supposed to pick me up since she was at work and all my siblings were in school. I pulled out my phone to check the time and it was 11:23am. I was just about to text my mom when I see the car pulling up.

Ramon (my moms fiancé) gets out the car and hugs me and helps me put my luggage into the trunk. We get into the car and start heading home. He was talking to me but I kinda zoned out and just looked out the window. I missed the sight if palm trees, buildings, graffiti, people. Just the city in general. It was nice being able to roll down the window at 11:00 in the morning without the striking cold wind making it seem like you'll get frost bite right then and there, and honestly, having my windows rolled down, letting the heat pour into the car as we sit in traffic smelling the exhaustion from the cars and the pollution in the air made me feel so much better and at home. That's where I resided for 15 long years. I was so happy I was finally back.

We get to the house and Ramon said he had to leave. I guess he got me during his break and now he had to head back to work which was near Los Angeles (an hour away). So I stayed by myself and was sitting there like a loser thinking aloud and planning how I would surprise my siblings since they didn't know I was home yet. I was texting my mom when I got the idea and told her that she should have me hide in the backseat of the car when she picks up the kids. When my mom came home at 1:30 I hugged her and cried my eyes out! I missed her so much! We went out for lunch real quick before we went to pick up the kids. I told her I would hide in the backseat and when they got in I would surprise them.

First up was Kayla. We went down to her middle school and I was so nervous as I waited in the back seat. I felt the beads of sweat rolling down my forehead which was either from me working up my nerves or waiting in the 100 degree weather for her. Either way I was sweating bullets. I heard the car door handle being pulled a few times before she yelled, "Mom hurry up and unlock the door, it's hot and I just want to get home!" My mom unlocked the door and Kayla got in and fastened her seatbelt and let out a sigh. I was laying there for about two minutes and then finally decided to sit up and say, "hey how was school?" She turned around so fast and looked at me and screamed with excitement. She was laughing and crying all at the same time. Her reaction was priceless.

We made our way to the elementary school and my brother Eric who is in 5th grade and my little sister Julie who is in Kindergarten didn't get out until 3:30, but I wanted to take them out of school early. So I headed up to the front office and visited some of the staff there since that was my old elementary school and then asked them where my siblings classes were. I first went to the Kindergarteners side and surprised my little sister. All she said was. "Kiki!" And she came running and hugging my long legs. She grabbed her stuff from the cubbies and was dismissed from class. We then made our way to Eric's classroom and with the dismissal pass in my hand I walked in there and it turns out he has my old 5th grade teacher. Double surprise I guess! I said, "Im here to pick up Eric." And he turned around and started crying. He is my buddy ol' pal and we are the closest out of my 3 other siblings. Brothers are always the best, and my brother is the best one out there. I started to cry too and we hugged for so long. Then he started to laugh and have the happiest facial expression Ive ever seen. We made our way back to the car after I completed my "mission" and went out for Ive cream.

We got back home and it seemed like my life was somewhat back to normal despite the fact my parents aren't together and my mom has a new man in her life.

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