Don't Call (Pt.3)

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Lance's P.O.V
I rolled onto my bed when I finally got home. I groaned in pain when I felt my back start to hurt. I shrugged it off and grabbed my phone with my left hand.
I picked up the paper Keith wrote his phone number on. I smiled softly at the paper and saved his number on my phone. I was thinking of what to put on his contact name. I finally thought of one and typed in "Keithy 💕." I smiled to myself and plugged in my charger.
My phone started to charge but I was waiting till it got to 60%. I really wanted to call him but I felt like it was too early.
Keith and Mike were in my mind now. But Keith was taking over Mike and all I could think of was Keith. "Get out of my head!" I yelled and a couple seconds later I heard a knock on my door.
"Dude? You alright?" That wasn't any of my family members voices, who was that? I got up and opened my door slowly and swiftly. It was Mike? "Hey?" He said nervously but calmly at the same time. "What do you want?" I asked a little too angrily. "I wanted to say I'm sorry." He said sadly. My eyes softened but everything that came out of his mouth made me wonder if he was telling the truth.
He hugged me tightly but I didn't hug back. "I'm sorry!" He gasped out. My eyes widened and I smiled. "It's okay..." I mumbled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged back.
After a minute passed we talked and talked for hours.
I felt happy again but my heart was still broken. I wonder why?
Keith's P.O.V
I was waiting for my dad to finish dinner but he seemed pissed all day. I walked down stairs to see my dad making dinner.
"Hey dad?" I asked scared if he would get mad at me. "What!" He yelled into my face. "Um, are you okay, because you seemed a little too angry then usual?" I asked softening my eyes to make myself a little more approachable.
But he smacked me across my face leaving a red mark on my face. "Go back to your room!" He yelled and pushed me away from him. "No dinner for you tonight for the second time!" He said grabbed my shirt and lifting me up. I started to choke a little. He threw upstairs right next to my room.
I gasped getting air to my lungs. I got up and opened my door to my room. I dropped onto my bed and groaned in frustration.
After about two hours I was about to fall asleep when my phone started to ring.
I looked at my clock and it was 12 in the morning. I picked up my phone and answered with a tired voice.
"Hello?" I asked waiting for someone to answer back. "K-Keith?" Said a tiny voice. The voice sounded like Lance. Was he crying? "Lance? Is something the matter?" I asked already panicking. "I had a dream about everyone I cared about died and you were in it.." he said breathing really hard. He began again. "I wanted to call to see if you were actually alive.." he mumbled softly.
He started to sob, I tried to calm him down but it wasn't working.
"Do you have a window in your room?" I asked in a calm voice. "Y-yes but why do you ask?" He said still crying. "Send me your address so I can be there for you." I said waiting for a reply. "O-okay..see you soon." He said ending the call right after he said soon.
I made a rope with all of my clothes and wrapped it onto my window.
I started to climb down and accidentally fell down. I groaned when I fell on the hard ground but I still got up and ran to his house.
I looked down at my phone to see if I was going the right way and I saw his house was right there.
I saw him in his room looking out his window. I was glad his house was one floor.
He opened the window for me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged his waist as tightly as I could. But not to hurt him of course.
"I'm happy you came." He said smiling weakly at me. His tears falling down his face. I smiled back wiping some of his tears. "Don't worry..I am here now." I said picking him up like a child.
He laughed not so loud that his parents could hear.
I smiled to myself.

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