Ch. 24

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*Wilford's POV*

I was torn from my thoughts as I heard Lily's voice. "Yes love?" I covered my mouth after I said that.

She blinked. "Um...what was that?"

I corrected my voice. "O-Oh, I-I said 'Yes Lil?' heh heh, heh..."

She blinked but she didn't decide to pursue it. "You seemed kind of lost? Any reason?"

I looked over to Mark but found he was walking away with his hands in his pockets. Well, there goes my excuse!

I tried to think of anything at all. "Err, w-well, I'm just..." Then something came. "Oh! I was wondering if we could play a game?"

She raised an eyebrow. "A game? Really?"

I nodded. "It's quite simple really-are you aware of the game of tag?" She nodded skeptically. "Well, we shall engage in a quick game of it!"

"...What's the price?"

I tilted my head. "What?"

"You're always doing some sort of competition-what are we betting this time around?"

I shook my head. "No no no no no, nothing like that this time around! It's just a simple game of tag! Nothing special about it at all!"

She squinted at me hesitantly before nodding. "Alright then...who's 'it'?"

I rocked my head back and forth before reaching out quickly and touching her shoulder. "YOU ARE!" Then, I dashed away before she had a chance to strike back.

Let's have some fun!


*Lily's POV*

I growled as he ran away. Alright Warfstache, you're on!

I quickly took off after the pink-stached man, determined to get him. I was not going to stay 'it'!

I quickly caught up to him and before he could try to get away, I tapped him on his back before sprinting in the other direction, laughing.

It had been a while since I had done a chase. The last chase I went on was with a man named Charles Linen. See, I had him at one point but then he went out the backdoor-a door I didn't realize existed at the time. Of course, it was a one way chase but still, it got my air pumping and my mind reeling.

It also wasn't as 'friendly' either-

I felt a hand on my back along with a, "Gotcha!" followed by a snicker.

I shook my head as I pivoted and chased after him.

I remember when I saw multiple kids doing this on a playground. They were running around and around after each other in a heated frenzy, especially when it was them who was 'it'.

I tagged Wil and took off in another direction.

I remember seeing them with smiles on their faces, all giddy to be alive and to be running, every once in a while tripping on themselves. I remember my teacher telling me to go out and join them but...whenever I played, no one ever bothered to come after me. I suppose it didn't help that I always seemed angry and on the verge of cutting people's heads off but it just taught me that the world would never accept me. That I would always be alone.

I heard Wilford calling for me but I wasn't listening as I continued forward.

I would never be like everyone else. The world wouldn't give me a chance-why should I give it one? The world was cold and it didn't ever want me. I was not meant to be here. I was not meant to be anywhere. Anywhere I am right now disrupts it and causes things to fall. I am a fault and if I am to be used, then so be it. I could only help others with a few ordeals and if that is what my life calls for, then-

Target: Wilford WarfstacheWhere stories live. Discover now