Chapter Seven: Tragedy Struck

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This chapter will be Xenette's Point of View, therefore 'I' will be referring to Xenette.

I entered my driveway and parked the vehicle bit to the left. Holding the steering, I rested my head on it, losing myself in a deep thought. It was almost 7pm. I wasn't worried about what my parents would say when I enter through that door which was in front of me, I was worried about Ian. My thoughts were disturbed when mom opened the door.
"You can get out of there and come in, you know," she says sarcastically. I got out, slammed the door close, and went in the house. Dad was on the couch watching television as usual while mom ordered me to go get changed.
"Xenette, once you're done then come down in the living room. Your father and I need to talk to you," Mom adds. I nodded and went upstairs. I closed the door of my room and got comfortable, walked in the bathroom, placed the towel on the hanger and got in the jacuzzi. 'I so needed this,' I say to myself while closing my eyes.

All of a sudden, I hear bangs on the door. It came in a sequence of three.
"I'll be there in a bit, mom," I shouted from the bathroom. I closed my eyes and was forced to open it again when the banging continued but much louder this time.
"Jeez, mom! I'm coming," I yelled with annoyance this time. Covering myself with the towel, I turned the door knob to open the door, a chilly breeze came into the room once the door opened and no one could be seen in the corridor.
"Mom...?", I called out. I heard a thudding sound on the stairs, getting louder as if someone is making their way up. I waited to see who it was, expecting either mom or dad, while holding the knob of the partially opened door. My heart almost stopped beating when the very last step made a thudding sound but no one climbing on it. Cool breeze blew into my long, open hair again with wild force. I quickly went down the stairs, holding my towel and my face clearly an expression of fear.

It was dark in the living room. Mom and dad were nowhere to be seen. I could hear a swishing knife, thudding into something in the kitchen. I quickly went inside to expect mom, but what met my eyes was a sight of my parents being chopped into pieces by the same inhuman figure I saw days before. My body froze with fear and I screamed at the sight of the act. It looked at me, and smiled. Once its lips opened up, blood dripped from its mouth and onto the floor.
"Help!!!" I yelled and made a run for the living room door to escape. While opening the door, I didn't look back and kept running forward when I tripped and fell on the ground. I rolled around to see it standing on top of me with its legs on both sides of my body. It smiles again as blood from its face drops on mine. Clearing my eyes, I see its hands reaching for my neck and the next thing I know, my life is being strangled out of me. I struggled to release its grip while twisting and turning my body and attempting to kick it off of me but it proved too strong.

It started raining and I couldn't see anything. All there was on me is water, and I'm trying to surface desperately, trying not to suffocate. I let go of my neck and used my hands to get up to find myself in the bathroom. My heart is racing a mile a minute and I'm breathing heavily. I looked around and realized that it was just a bad dream. I felt like something was preventing me from getting out of the water, as if something was strangling me down. I got out of the water, wrapping the towel around myself. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw the time in my room's wall clock. It was 12:05am.
'That's strange,' I thought to myself.
'Why didn't mom call me downstairs till now?' I asked myself.
After changing, I creaked open the door. All the lights were out.
'Guess everyone's asleep,' I thought to myself while climbing down the stairs. Curtains were drawn but the windows weren't closed. Wind blew the curtains inwards. A mischievous laughter caused me to freak out. I looked around to find nothing.
"Hello?" I said, not knowing that I'm only talking to darkness. I did not know what this presence was that lurked in all the darkest corners, enjoying and feeding on my fear. I slowly walked to the kitchen, flashes from my nightmare appearing in front of my eyes but I told myself to snap out of it. To my relief, I wasn't living my nightmare all over again. The kitchen was totally empty and quite dark. I headed towards mom and dad's room to see if they're okay. I stood at the door, thinking twice on whether to knock or not. But my curiosity got the best of me and I did.
"Mom, dad...?" I called out after knocking thrice. This was very unusual. My parents are the most alert people, even slightest of noise near them wakes them up but for the first time, I was not getting a response. My heart beat a mile a minute. I held the door knob for few seconds and took a deep breath. As soon as I exhaled, I could not hear anything. Utter silence around me. I mustered some courage and turned the knob to open the door. The door creeks open and I was welcomed by an empty room.

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