Chapter Nineteen: Eschaton

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Something was right behind me. Chasing, hunting. Almost like a cat playing with its prey. I jumped over some crates and sat against it silently. Heart raced, sweat dripped from my face drop by drop. I shook terribly with fear. Growling sound of the predator gradually became louder, leaving Goosebumps on my skin. It's coming for me, I thought and closed my eyes. One of the crates fell on my side and I squeezed in further into the corner. I calmed myself, taking long deep breaths. Predator's growling faded gradually in the background and silence loomed. Carefully, I peaked over the crates, standing on my knees. Nothing. I got up and turned around to come face-to-face with it. It stood right in front of me. For a moment I didn't feel my heart beating. It grabbed me by the neck as its claws sunk into my skin. Its unmistakeable smirk, blood red eyes, fangs like teeth, pale skin was the last thing that I saw before opening my eyes to the sound of footsteps approaching my way.

Everything was a blur. Someone walked gracefully toward me.

"Get up!" a familiar voice commanded. Everything became clear now. It was Xenette. I picked myself up slowly, still wobbly on my feet. Xenette went directly past me.

"You're not real. I'm hallucinating," I said to her and smirked. Xenette stopped and turned around. Gracefully, she came near me, wrapped her arms around my neck and locked her lips on mine. She let go and looked into my eyes with a seductive smile.

"What about now? Am I not real enough for you?" she questioned and turned around without waiting for an answer.

"Follow me," she said and continued walking toward the end of the corridor. There was an unpredictable confidence reverberating from her attitude. I'm not thinking clearly, I thought. The place was getting into my head. I obediently followed.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I struggled to match her pace. She came to a halt and studied a door in front of her. This place is like a maze, I thought.

"We're going to where we should be going, Ian." She replied rather calmly.

"Oh. Right..." I replied. Xenette opened the door which had three padlocks on, one of them so rusted that it just broke.

"Come in," Xenette said and walked right in. I walked in after her. The roof of this cylindrical room was way too high to meet the eye. Lightning flash and I realized what it was; the very peak of the castle.

"You're saying as if you're inviting me to your home," I replied sarcastically. Xenette stared blankly at me and nodded.

"Yes, you can say that," she replied. I glared at her for a while with a furrow.

"Are you okay?" I asked rather suspiciously.

"Yeah... why?" Questioned Xenette. it's just me, maybe. I thought.

"Now what?" I asked, testing her.

"Well, you're the one with ideas, Ian," Xenette smiled and crossed her arms.

"I know. I kinda forgot. Would you mind reminding me, Xen," I replied. Xenette's smile slowly turned into a smirk, as if she knew what I was doing.

"You wanted to lure the demon here," she replied casually, making it sound effortless and with confidence. I slowly walked near the centre of the room where a circle was drawn with perplexing words written on its circumference. In the centre of it was water, depth unknown. Xenette gracefully followed.

"That sounds about right, Xenette. But why isn't the demon here yet?" Xenette smirked and walked closer, leaving only few inches between us.

"How would I know?" she replied, looking directly into my eyes with intent on her face.

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