ᵣₑₐₗᵢₛₘ | FLr.01

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TW: Mentions of abuse, attempted murder, swearing, parental neglect.

Reader's discretion is advised.

"YOU'RE A BITCH FOR DOING THIS SOPHIA LEE! I'm going to kill your ass once I get out!"

I stared at my reflection, horrified when I caught a glimpse of the screaming Nara Park being dragged away by the cops.

The cameras of journalists were blinding as they took photos of the scene unfolding. People were murmuring and whispering and staring at me.

But nothing could make me look away from that deranged look in her eyes.

I blinked away the tears as I forced myself to look down at my lap instead, not wanting to see even a single strand of her hair. How could I when I already know what she'd be doing? She'd be glaring at me with those eyes so full of hate and killing intent... I felt my stomach do flips just thinking about it.

Even with the news of her being sent to jail, instead of relief, I could only feel this unsettling feeling - something similar to a sense of foreboding.

To be honest, I'm not satisfied with her being sent to juvie. I'm not satisfied with a restraining order. I'm not satisfied with words of reassurance from the adults around me. As terrible as it sounds. I want to know that she would rot in jail.

'Am I a bad person for thinking this? Maybe.'

Her screams of hate remind me of that locked bathroom at the back of the school that no one uses anymore. I couldn't really remember much details of the place, but it definitely reeked and everything was damp.

And I was unfortunate enough to always be pushed down onto the cold dirty tiled floors of it. It was degrading, humiliating. My uniform felt uncomfortable to wear because of the smell and wetness that would cling onto the fabric.

But Nara Park never really did care, I knew just from looking at her eyes that all she ever really cared about during that time was how she would be able to beat me up as much as possible.

'Why would she care? She hates your guts.'

Nara Park never did gave a single damn for the laws and the consequences of being caught doing bad stuff. All she thought of was how many times she could do it before finally getting caught.

'Drinking, smoking, harassment-there were rumours of her doing... Even worse things, but I never really got to confirm it.'

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when I felt Secretary Ping gently pull me out of my chair and escort me out with my parents in front of me. Our whole group was quiet excluding the bodyguards talking to their radios.

Deep in my heart, I expected worried glances from at least one of my parents. But it all soon disappeared when I saw their emotionless faces.

All I wanted to do right now was to go home and lock myself in my room until I go back to school again.

But even the thoughts of going home were immediately stomped when I realised I was being forced into a different car. I didn't know what was going on and I panicked.

'Am I being thrown away? Is it because I'm basically broken now? I can still heal.'

I thought my worst fears have been turned to reality, well, that is until Secretary Ping explained to me.

"You'll be sent to a hospital your family owns in Incheon. Mrs. Lee said you'll spend your time there until you finally recover."

I wasn't being thrown away. I was being put in probation in a place that's far away, and far from the eyes of the media.

For a moment, maybe due to the heat of the moment of the stressful trial, but I almost forgot the fact that my parents didn't really cared much for me as their daughter, and only raised me because I'm their heir.

I really thought this incident would make them realise that I'm their daughter.


I only spent a year of recovery in the Incheon hospital branch. When I first got here, I was obese, weighing about 81kg or 179lbs.

The doctors were very worried and tried their best to get me as healthy as possible just so I can get my mrtabolism working properly again by; helping me get the needed nutrients I need by eating healthy foods. Not the tasteless salads, but the normal balanced meals. Forcing me to reset my body clock. Help me de-stress.

I saw the changes slowly happen. For a whole year and a bit, I would loose 2-4 pounds a week consistently.

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