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Realism: Sophia Lee

Incheon, S. Korea

"So... according to the check up we just did... it seems that your anxiety went down to mild which is good, you still need your medication so take it as usual. But other than that, it seems like you are ready to go home Ms. Lee"

Dr. Rina said as secretary Ping nodded her head in understanding before looking down at me, "Miss, please excuse me, I need to call the madame and infor--"

"No, I'll do it," I said "Give me my phone."

Before she gave me the familiar object. I went ahead and opened CocoaTalk*. As soon as the app loaded, my eyes immediately stopped on a certain name.

My face automatically tensed up as I started nervously biting the inside of my cheek.

My face automatically tensed up as I started nervously biting the inside of my cheek

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I haven't heard that name for almost a year now.

I tried looking away from that name and pressed my mom's number.

Well, that was until my dad's secretary suddenly texted me.

Well, that was until my dad's secretary suddenly texted me

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After talking to secretary Lee I noticed how he remained unchanged even after almost a year of not seeing him, just the fact that he's still the same old stoic secretary Lee, almost made me smile

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After talking to secretary Lee I noticed how he remained unchanged even after almost a year of not seeing him, just the fact that he's still the same old stoic secretary Lee, almost made me smile.

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