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Realism: Sophia Lee

Seoul, S. Korea

While secretary Ping busied herself with her phone, I explored the whole apartment. There were six rooms in total, and yes I counted... twice.

There's the bedroom, the guest room, kitchen, living room and the two bathrooms. One bathroom is upstairs and one is downstairs. And it's super spacious.

I walked into the kitchen to look around more, I opened the fridge and saw that it was empty. I sigh as I unconsciously made a mental to-do list.

I hummed as I walked to the living room, feeling satisfied with my new place. "Miss, I have to get going. Goo and Gun needs my help." She said as I nodded as she walked towards me.

"This is your I.D. and your wallet," she stated while taking out the items.

"Inside are your membership cards and others," she said as she starts opening the wallet as if she was a sales person "The credit card that you used to use regularly was replaced with a black card before I picked you up today."

She turns around and grabs her handbag, before looking back at me again, "And If you want cash you can withdraw some, the madame has ordered me to prepare everything perfectly so miss doesn't have to be worried. Also I will be sending an email later. Please check it out."

Secretary Ping spoke so fast that I thought she was spitting fire.


After she left, I locked the door and went to my luggages and started unpacking. Unfortunately I ended around 10PM and didn't get to explore the area around my building.

With an exhausted sigh, I sat on the sofa and fiddled with my phone, before going upstairs to get ready.

Tonight, I will be going to the convenience store. I mean apart from that place, I don't really know the area much.


I locked the door behind me and looked ahead. I pressed the arrow pointing down and as I waited for the elevator to come, I leaned back and forth as I watch the numbers ascending.

Once the elevator chimed, the doors opened as I got in. As I press the lobby button, I start to feel giddy and excited, as if I'm about to go on an adventure.

Soon the doors slided open and I walked out. I stepped in the revolving door and got out of it, just in time before getting dizzy.

I stepped onto the sidewalk while looking left and right. That's when I felt e heavy burden of being terrible with directions. Like the idiot that I am, I started to reason with myself.

I put a finger to my chin as I looked at my right. It was a well lit alleyway that seems to be a shortcut to somewhere. Ah... but the left side also has potential of leading me to a convenience store.

I'm seriously bad at everything, even with negotiations, and mind you, it's for myself, I don't even wanna know what would happen if I started negotiating with other people.


I silently cried in relief when I saw the bright neon sign that read, 'Convenience Store' in all caps.

My dumbass thought that I should pick the alleyway. Fortunwtely my dumbass succeeded.

When I walked inside, I was immediately greeted by the employee. I speed walked towards the food section and looked at the choices.

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