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Trina couldn't help but roll her eyes at Whizzer's greeting. "I told you not to call me that."

The man at the end of the line slightly chuckled at her reply. "What's wrong with 'bitch'?"

"Now, don't you say it again."


"That word."

"What word?" A pause. "Oh! You mean... Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch!"

"Funny," Trina grumbled unto the phone. "Why are you my best friend, again?"

"Because you love me."

"Oh, right. That," she giggled, twirling a stray strand of her hair as she spoke. "How've you been?"

"If you're talking about my boyfriend Kurt, well, the dick ran off with Ram. Fuck him."

"Aww, honey, I'm sorry."

"Don't. It just served as a reminded that I deserve better."

"Damn right."

Whizzer gasped. "Whoa, Trina with the cursing! If one considers 'damn' a curse word anyway. Knowing you, it probably is."

"I think it just rubbed off from Marvin."

"You're still with him?" Whizzer snorted. "What's so great about this dude that you're still together with him after like, a year?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because he isn't gay? Everyone around me seem to be nowadays. Coredelia just introduced me to her girfriend yesterday!"

"That's only because you hung out with me in our last years in college. Why haven't I met this dude, anyway? Was he in any of our classes and I just never took notice of him because he was a loser?"

"Don't be mean, Whizzer. And... I don't know, maybe it has something to do leaving me for Chicago fresh out of college?"

"Shit, that just reminded me of why I called." Whizzer clicked his tongue and let out a small laugh. "I'm so fucking forgetful. Yeah, I called because I'm coming back to New York."

"What?" Trina couldn't contain her surprise. "I mean, I'm glad you're coming back but what the hell happened?"

"I called my boss out for being such an asshole to Martha, my colleague. Let's just say that she and the other Heathers in the office weren't happy about it."

"Oh, gosh."

"That isn't even the worst part. Veronica backed me up and she got fired too."

"Poor Ronica."

"But anyway, I'm coming back in a few days. Wanna meet up?"

Trina grinned. "Definitely."

"It's settled."

"But... do you mind doing something for me when you're home? Just a little favor?"

"Of course! What's up?"

"I know I said earlier that I said Marvin isn't gay, but I just can't help but doubt it. I'm just being cautious, you know?"

Whizzer raised an eyebrow even if Trina couldn't see it. "Sooo..?"

"I want you to meet him. I know your gaydar is really strong, so I just want to see what you think. Just, check him out, I guess?"

"You want me to check your boyfriend out?"

"Well, now that you put it that way, no, I just want you to see if he's gay or something. Make a move, see if he does too, leave, tell me what happens, I'll introduce you to him sometime, we'll laugh it all off. Okay?"

"Um, okay."

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I'll text you the details."

Oh, this dude is straight as fuck..! Whizzer thought when he stepped into the 7/11 Trina said he'd be in, already taking into note the way the man ignored him when he entered the premises. Even when Whizzer walked past him, he didn't bat an eye.

Whizzer took out his phone. "Oh, Jesus Christ." Opening up the picture Trina sent, he realized that the man in the all-black getup sipping a Slurpee in the corner wasn't Marvin after all. "Fucking hell."

And so he started skimming through the selections of condoms and candies. Right when he grabbed a bar of chocolate, Whizzer caught sight of a man whose eyes practically gleamed when he noticed his presence, and it didn't take a second for the tall man to know that this man was the one and only Marvin.

Well, okay, I guess I'll just see if he makes a move on me too, get out here, then meet Trina for dinner later on, Whizzer thought, holding back a laugh. It was all so simple, and what he got in return was a place to crash for a while and free food. It should be easy!

After minutes of words about how much the two missed each other, Trina and Whizzer sat down and picked the menus up, continuing to converse with each other.

"So what happened?"

Whizzer scanned through the pages and lazily asked, "What do you mean?"

"Earlier! Like, did Marvin do anything?"

The man paused. After a moment, he set the menu down on the table. "Nah."

"Are you sure? He didn't do anything?"

"I promise, he's nothing to worry about."

"Whizzer, I know you better than I know Marvin. If you're worried about me knowing he's queer or whatever, it's fine. I had an itch anyway. I know he still loves me."

"It's not that. Uh," Whizzer desperately wanted to drop the subject. "Hey, you said you had something special to tell me?"

"I'll tell you when he gets here."


"Marvin! Look, there he is!"

Much to Whizzer's dismay, the blue-eyed man walked right towards the table he and Trina were seated in, but right when they caught eyes, he silently cursed and turned away.

"Marvin! Come here! I want you to meet my friend!"

Slowly but reluctantly, Marvin walked towards the table and took a seat on an empty chair. He didn't make eye contact with anyone.

"Whizzer says you two met earlier. How funny is that?"

"Very," "So funny," the two men replied at the same time, causing Trina to cross her arms.

"I don't know about you guys but I feel like something ha—"

"I fucked him in the restroom!" Whizzer blurted out, slapping a hand on his mouth when Marvin cursed out loud and Trina gasped.


"I didn't mean for it to happen, I swear! It's just that he accidentally grabbed a box of condoms instead of chocolate and he just looked so—"

"Oh my god," Trina cut Marvin off, about to pull her hair right off her head. Even if she felt her eyes burning up, the tears wouldn't come, but Trina was sure that her future was all ruined now. "And right when I was gonna tell you both the news/"

Marvin furrowed his brows. "What news?"

"Guys... I'm pregnant."

The eyes of both men widened. "Holy sh—"

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