A year later.

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Let me know what you think of the story in the comments, and if you like it vote. First American Horror story fanfiction. Honest feedback much appreciated. Thank you so much for reading. Bethany :)

Violet laid on her empty, cold mattress. Staring at the lifeless walls, hundreds of thoughts swirling round in her head. Most of them about how she was going to spend Halloween this year or how much she missed Tate.

Who was she kidding it was mostly about Tate. Violet longed for him, she missed him so much and that is what hurt her the most. After all the terrible things he had done. The monster he had become she still loved that blonde messy haired boy she had fallen for. She took an interest in him because he was different. A mystery that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't solve.

So lost in her thoughts Violet hadn't even notice someone enter her room. Vivienne stood at the foot of Violet's bed concerned and worried everything that has happened over the past year has effected Violet's mental state. At first it wasn't to awful Vivienne and Ben rekindled their love. Making this decision after realising that they would have to live together for eternity. They might as well make the most of it. That lasted a few moths until Hayden made herself known and demanded to be with Ben. Violet withdrew herself from the drama, she succumbed herself to the confines of her bedroom. Vivienne was terribly concerned, every time she walked by her room all she could hear was sobbing. Enough was enough she had to speak to Violet, she had to make sure she was okay.

"Violet I think we need to talk, I'm worried about you. You spend all of your time in your room. I thought you were happy? Me and your farther are back together. We have the chance to start again, we can live all together as a family" Violet could see her mother was concerned about her but what did it matter if she spent all her time in her room. She was dead. What else was she supposed to do?. Violet stayed silent she didn't know how to answer the questions without going crazy. Violet new her mother wouldn't understand she's lived her life she's got to experience all that the world has to offer. Violet wanted to go out and explore, she wanted to be a normal teenager. Get in trouble, go to party's, get drunk, go to school and start her own family, make something of herself. Without being confined to this awful house. All those opportunities had been ripped away from her, she couldn't sympathise with her mother, but she couldn't tell her mother how she felt it would break her heart so Violet said what she always says when she doesn't want anyone to worry. "I'm fine" Vivienne nodded, not completely convinced but it would have to do for now.


"Is this about Tate?"

This was starting to turn into a long tiresome lecture. Violet and Vivienne both new it was about Tate, since the incident no one had mentioned his name out loud. No one dared to mention him, he ultimately destroyed the family, with a little help from Ben, Vivienne and Violet. Violet just stared at her so she just stood up and left the room. Violet flopped back on to the bed, let out a massive sigh, put her iPod onto Nirvanas album and drowned herself in her sorrows.

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