My beautiful ballet dancing boyfriend

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This is my first ever fanfiction! EEKK! I'm Dyslexic so if it is a bit naff I don’t care… this is just a platform for me to share my work… haha enjoy?

 Every week. Every Friday afternoon, after rugby practice, john would drive down to the old village hall to pick Sherlock up from ballet practice. Every week he would sit in the car and wait for his boyfriend to meet him in there. But this week, this one special week he wanted to show everyone in Sherlock’s ballet class to know how much he loved his boyfriend. He wasn’t ashamed of their relationship, in fact he was very proud of it but because he was such a shy person, he found it hard with public displays of affection.  But this week, this one special week, John was feeling brave. It was 3:55, class finished at 4:00. John got out of the car, took a deep breath and put his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket.

As he walked toward the door of the class he could hear the classical music and the faint claps of the small audience of family and friends that were allowed to watch at the end. He sneaks in through the back of the small crowed and takes a seat at the very back corner. As he gets comfortable he looks up to see his amazing boyfriend, in the black leotard that he had brought him for his birthday. Mesmerising, John thought as he watch Sherlock dance. He was beautiful and John was so sad that he only got to see the last 2 minutes of the final exercise.

As the class drew to a close Sherlock didn’t even turn around to see if anyone had come to watch him dance, he just went straight to his bag and slowly started to take his ballet shoes off. John thought about going over but he saw in Sherlock’s face how sad he looked. He saw how much he loved to dance but in that same moment he saw how sad he was that no one would watch him. John wanted to put a change to that from now on. By this point, there were only 3 people in the room: The ballet teacher, him and his beautiful boyfriend Sherlock… that wonderful boy that had put so much happiness into his life he couldn’t explain.

Sherlock stood up and turned around to see john standing there just smiling. John started to clap as Sherlock walked slowly toward him. John just couldn’t stop himself and he just ran toward Sherlock, grabbed his waist and picked him up. As their lips joined together john slowly placed him down and fell even more in love with him. After the kiss they just stood there in the middle of the dance studio gazing into each other’s eyes.

“You were… amazing” John said as he watched Sherlock’s smile grow across his face.

“Thank you,” Sherlock said “why – what made you come and watch?” he asked as he ran his fingers through John’s hair.

“I wanted to see my beautiful boyfriend dance.”

They both smiles as their lips joined together for another kiss. It was at this point they realised that they were in the middle of the dance studio with a Sherlock’s ballet teacher watching them make out.

“Sorry, um we’ll go now” John said as he grabbed Sherlock’s ballet bag.

They both fell about laughing as they grabbed each other’s hands and ran out the studio. They got to the car and Sherlock just wrapped his arms around John’s neck and stared into Johns eyes.

“Thank you for watching today”

“No problem, I will defiantly be coming to watch from now on!”

Sherlock laughed and looked down at his feet.

“Was I any good?” he said as he made eye contact with John once more.

“You were fantastic!” John shouted. He crept closer to Sherlock so practically every part of their body was touching.

“You managed to look elegant yet sexy at the same time.” John whispered as he winked at Sherlock.

“Come one,” Sherlock said, “Let’s get home.” They both got in the car and laughed.

“I love you, I really love you.” Sherlock said.

“I love you too” John said.

They both drove off home to what only could be expected to be a very good night.

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