All it took was 1 hour, Sherlock

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“Why?!” I shouted at my coach.

“Because! Your balance is appalling and your shoulder is still really bad! Going to the ballet classes will help you!” My coach shouted back; in front of my whole team!

There were many mumbles and giggles from the rest of the rugby team as coach walked out of the locker room.

“OH captain of the rugby team is gonna do ballet?!”  Jed laughed pointing and sniggering at me. He was supposed to be my friend. So was everyone else on the team but ever since I got captain, they have all turned on me.

“Aw, little twinkle toes!” someone laughed

“Ha-ha! All because of your bloody shoulder?” another called

“SHUT UP ALRIGHT?! I couldn’t help the fact my shoulder dislocated, could I?!” I huffed off and headed to the showers to clean up.

I waited at the front of the rugby club for my dad to pick me up and tried my hardest to ignore the sniggers and giggles from my team mates. I saw my dad pull up and I jumped in the car before anyone had a chance to say anything.

“Drive, dad!” I said burring my head in my hands.

“Oh okay” said speeding out of the car park onto the main road. “What’s happened?” he said putting an arm around me.

“Oh well, you know my shoulder yeah?” I looked up at him

He nodded

“Well is affecting my balance and is making my performance bad.” I said looking out of the window.

“Oh shit, that’s bad isn’t it?”

“Not the worst part!” I added “he wants me to join ballet!” I said. My dad just started laughing to the point I thought he might cry!

“IT’S NOT FUNNY! I’m a rugby player! Not a fucking dancer!” I shouted at him.

As he pulled up into the drive I got out the car and stormed straight up to my room and started screaming. I couldn’t believe it! My passion had always been for rugby and now I have to go to a fucking ballet class! I didn’t want to think about it anymore today so I got into bed and went straight to sleep.

The next morning was Saturday and I had woken up at about 1ish so I decided to just lie in bed and no nothing for the rest of the day. I reached over to my bed side table to check my phone.  I unlocked it and saw I had 8 new messages. Great. All reading similar things regarding me starting ballet! I didn’t want to look at them any more so I chucked my phone on my bed and stormed down stairs.

“Morning bubba! Or should I say afternoon?” mum called. “How is my gorgeous little ballet dancing rugby player?”

“Fuck off mum!” I said in a monochrome tone as I got a glass of water.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” she shouted.

“Sorry” I grumbled

“Look, bubba, I had a call from Mr Trial, your coach? He says you have your first ballet lesson tomorrow and 6 o’clock at this address.” She handed me the paper with a scribbled address written in the corner. I screw it up into a ball and threw it at the wall. As I walked out of the kitchen I heard my mum grumble something that I didn’t care to listen too. I started walking up to my room to get back into bed when my dad called me.

“I don’t know why you’re so pissed off about dancing ya know?” he said picking up the paper.

“Because I don’t want to be a ballet dancer?” I said as a started walking back up the steps.

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