Episode Fifteen: Puppy Love

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W: Howdy, thought ye'd be here.

D: We are Doughnut. By the name of Archeia, we greet you in the love and in the light of Ing. Communication has begun. Your thought process is correct.

W: Yeah...uh sure. I was wonderin if we could talk sommore?

D: We are Doughnut. Another session is welcome and advisable.

W: Great! Um...glad we're on the same page. We doin it like last time?

D: We are Doughnut. This is correct.

W: Alrighty then! What ye need work on?

D: We are Doughnut. The left elbow joint requires tightening. The optical wiring fixed prior requires rework. The left bulb, as part of this, is distorted--a new one is required. The vibratory sound "rust" has accumulated in both mobilizing appendages: the formula known as "CLR" may be required, but we will accept repairs according to your discernment.

W: Ok, well I'm gonna start with your elbow--I'll go back and grab some CLR later. So why do ye always say that?

D: We are Doughnut. This query was not received accurately. Please restate.

W: Oh, uh...why do ye always start and end conversations with that stuff 'bout Ing?

D: We are Doughnut. It is close to what your peoples call a prayer. The vibratory sound complex is used between two selves in order to strengthen the desired connection. It is also meant to sever the desired connection with minimal withdrawal. In total, it is the most optimal method of initiating and concluding interactions while, what you call "verbal" language, is required. The Ing concept is one referring to one, one of them all. Your religions observe the Godhead, your spiritualists the Prime Resonance/Source, and your scientists Eureka. There are many in other worlds who hark to the One Infinite Creator/Prime Creator. We, of the Archeia Protectorate, recognize the word of Supreme Commander Rowll Aulkon and the Lady Faith.

W: So yer...sayin grace?

D: We are Doughnut. This is basically correct.

W: Huh. So do ye always hang out in this here forest?

D: We are Doughnut. This is correct.

W: Of all the forests in the world, you chose Lillum's own Iron Forest--sheit. Why here?

D: We are Doughnut. Our presence is required here and for a multitude of reasons.

W: Can ye talk about some-ah them reasons?

D: We are Doughnut. This is conversable: First and foremost, my presence in this location depolarizes the relative, shall we say, atmosphere. This is required for a more rapid working. In addition to the first reason, our prolonged presence here was had a positive effect on this place, what you call the "Iron Forest." For this reason, it is our desire/discernment to remain and proceed with this aspect of the working. We will conclude this question with one more example: there are parties invested in the bellicose elimination of this being. Due to certain unfulfilled honor/responsibilities, we deem it inadvisable to be eliminated at this time--thus we located here, to avoid such actions.

W: Damn, sounds like you got some sheit followin ye.

D: We are Doughnut. This is correct.

W: Say, why do ye keep callin yerself Doughnut?

D: We are Doughnut. We are more accurately identified as "Archeia"; "Archeia" is the vibratory sound complex which best represents our being, according to our perception of the sounds in your, shall we say, repertoire. The "Doughnut" moniker was chosen for our person in an effort of humor. Our selves wish to convey absolute benevolence to yourself and other selves of third density; extending the hand for the shaking by way of the cosmic humor principle.

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