You don't know what it's like

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Katie's POV

"Dean, I swear, if you don't shut up right now, I'm gonna kill you", I tell the man in front of me through gritted teeth.

He's been getting on my nerves lately. Well, all the time, actually. I should've never told him about his father. Because now he is so focused on his father – and using me as a tool – that he doesn't concentrate on much else. Meaning that he is bitchy and mean. And annoying, god is he annoying.

Why I'm still helping? Well, a girl gotta survive. At least he hasn't kicked me out yet, because meeting Missouri is still the only hope I see for Soph and me to get back. I am pretty sure that she appeared in episode four, or at least in the beginning. Sadly, I cannot look it up. Anyway, we've been here for about ten weeks now and it still hasn't happened. Currently I'm focusing all my energy on not kicking Dean in the face – or somewhere else, where it'd definitely hurt – and trying to get back. Since I can't find anything related to changing universes, I have to wait for Missouri. And to get to her, I must help Dean.

And believe me, that's not my first choice. I've looked everywhere, through every book, had so many sleepless nights to find a way out. By daytime I have to help Dean research, at night it's my own research. But I want to get home, I really do.

"Well, it's not my fault you're so cranky all the time", he shrugs lightheartedly, "Seriously Katie, stop the hard-to-get thing going on. I don't want you one way or another."

I send him a bitchface. That asshole.

"For your information, I'm not trying anything. I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man walking on earth."

Okay, that was definitely a lie, because, Dean Winchester is gorgeous. But he is such a jerk, it's unbelievable. So damn self-righteous, smug and arrogant. An arrogant bastard, that's what he is.

"Oh, sweetheart, now you've shown me", he answers sarcastically, chuckling lightly.

He takes another sip out of his beer, showering himself in pride, and I am this fucking close to shouting at him, telling him how much he and his whole attitude pisses me off.

Calm down, Katie. Remember why you're doing this. To get home. Not long now and you'll be in your own bed, watching Supernatural from a safe distance.

We keep on working in silence – well, as silent as it gets. Every thirty minutes Dean asks me what I have on his dad. When my answer doesn't satisfy him, he makes sure to let me feel it. I know he's emotionally damaged and desperate to find his Dad, but if he doesn't stop soon, he'll be hurt physically as well.

I am completely aware than us knowing what is going to happen – and theoretically being able to find their father – is the only reason they're keeping us with them.

Or at least Dean.

Sam is completely out of it.

Sure, it was obvious in the show that he mourned her death, but the situation on hand is a thousand times worse.

Firtly Sam blamed us, even more so Soph, for the unfortunate death of his girlfriend, until Soph was able to get into his thick skull that our only intention was to help.

And that was when it got really tough. He was so... broken.

His head just isn't in the game anymore, the only reason he hasn't drunk himself to death yet is probably to find Alistair. And his dad, but I suspect revenge is more important to him right now.

Initially after Jess' death I didn't put it past him to kill us right then and there. He was so angry... so frustrated.

Well, we survived. Ironically enough because I told Dean something I shouldn't have.

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