Beginnings pt. 2

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Soph's POV

During the car ride back to our hotel, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was severely wrong.

"Did you notice how they seemed really surprised, when we called them by their characters names?", I ask Katie who sits next to me absentmindedly.


"I said that ...", before I could finish my sentence she snaps, "I heard you!"

"Yeez, calm down. I know that you are disappointed but that's no reason to snap at me. You wanna answer my question Katie?"

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry. I just really expected Jensen to be nicer. He always seemed nicer. And so deliciously hot. Well he still looks hot. But he is an ass. A hot ass", she goes on. I keep looking onto the road but I know that she has a dreamy look in her eyes as she talks about the hotness in personas that we both just met.

"I'm not gonna lose you now to him am I? Answer my question Katie!", I say again as I snap my fingers in front of her eyes.

"Yeah you're right his hotness is not worth it right now."

I roll my eyes at that statement. Sam is way hotter.

"Anyway", she continues, "they did seem surprised but I am sure that that is just because they stayed in character. I'm sure they were just messing with us."

I nod silently, knowing that this conversation is over, as we both give into our own thoughts. As I continue to drive an absurd thought enters my head. Well it's absurd and unrealistic right? RIGHT? I mean it can't be real. But we both had a really weird feeling about that store. And it was just a normal store. Nothing creepy about a grocery store. But as soon as be stepped foot into it, the entire atmosphere changed. Literally changed. Maybe ... no it can't be.

"Oh my god!", I exclaim as I step my foot hard into the breaks.

"What the fuck! Sophia, do you want to kill us? What are you thinking, stopping like that??", Katie screams angrily at me as I pull us over to an empty parking lot.

"Yeah yeah, just let me share a theory with you. Bear with me, I know this sounds crazy - like really batshit crazy."

"Still no reason to crash the car."

I nod, "I'm sorry but I really need to tell you this without having to focus on driving."

"Well what on earth could be so important", she rolls her eyes at me.

So I tell her my theory. I explain how we both had this uneasy feeling about the store and how it just worsened when we entered it. And how the atmosphere literally changed when we stepped foot into the store, almost like entering a different world. Very similar to how when Sam and Dean entered their parallel universe in Season 6.

"No no, that's impossible!", she yells. "As much as I love Supernatural it is still a fictional world. What you are suggesting is impossible!"

"But think about it Katie, in a crazy way it makes sense. Just like in that episode when they crashed through the window, the atmosphere suddenly changed to."

"We entered through automatic doors. No crashing involved", she exclaims, using her arm gestures to emphasize her point.

Before I can even counter her with another argument we are interrupted by some knocking on our cars windows. We both look at each other in surprise and slowly turn around. I can barely believe what I am confronted with. Sam and Dean/Jared and Jensen are standing in front of us, both holding a gun in their hand .... pointed at us

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