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The sun is setting in the horizon, accompanied with chirping of birds. The atmosphere is serene in the village of Konoha. Civilians are walking around the busy streets, talking, greeting and bargaining with one another, their loud voices reach the ninjas, who patrol from the roofs of the buildings. Shinobis of the village are jumping from one tile to another, rushing from or in another mission. Their faces are stoic, mostly emotionless. Their eyes are cold, having seen too much of the cruel world. Yet, their hearts are filled with hope of better future for their children, friends and family.

"Hokage-sama!" The loud knocking on the door sobers the young Hokage from his thoughts. The Yellow Flash of Konoha looks up from the papers scattered on the table as the door opens and reveals silver haired ninja with black mask covering half of his face. The ninja's eyes look lifeless, as if he has once again lived through his worst nightmares.

"Kakashi?" Minato whispers confused. He mentally sighs, remembering the only matter Hatake would be bothering him. "What happened?" He asks in calm tone, yet arrays of emotions could be seen on the Hokage's face.

Kakashi takes a step forward, steadily. He closes the door behind him and look around cautiously. His eyes scan the whole office carefully, not wanting to be eavesdropped on the matter.

"It's about Haruno-san, Hokage-sama." Kakashi states after being sure that they were alone. He clears his throat, trying his best to fight the emotions inside of him. He has spent last nine month in Haruno household, fulfilling his mission to keep an eye and protect Haruno Mebuki. "Haruno Mebuki gave birth to small girl, while she died during laboring." Kakashi's voice is cold, emotionless. But Minato is able to tell how much he was affected by the event.

"So, last Haruno, huh?" Minato mumbles with bitter taste in his mouth. He closes his eyes, pain ripping his heart. He has witnessed his best friend Haruno Kizashi being ripped apart for his clan's powers. Clan that is extinct, with only sole member. "What's her name?" He whispers loud enough for Kakashi to understand.

"Sakura." The short reply comes immediately. Heavy silence falls between two respectable ninjas, same matters hovering inside their minds. "Ano, Minato-san..." Kakashi whispers, breaking the silence between the two of them. His eyes are fixed on his ex-sensei. "Maybe, she won't have Haruno's powers?" Kakashi whispers with hope inside his tone.

"I doubt that." Minato shakes his head. Both of them know that the Heiress of Haruno Clan will hold every single power the clan had. Minato closes his eyes for several seconds, before opening it once again. "Where is she now?"

"Hospital." Kakashi answers immediately. "What happens to her, Minato-san?"

The silence falls between the two men, question hanging in the air.


Five Years Later...

"Sakura! Get back here!" The purple haired Kunoichi shouts loudly, while jumping from roof to roof, trying to find pink haired little girl. "Sakura!" She shouts again, her voice waking half of the village.

"Sakura-chan!" Shinobis, that work under T&I department of Konoha keep calling out the name, hoping to find the girl as soon as possible, gulping at the idea what their boss might do to them, if they lose the girl.

"You lost her again?" Ibiki, scarred man, who is the head of T&I department, asks in deep, annoyed voice. His eyes are trained solely on purple haired Kunoichi. "Anko." His voice is dangerously low and calm. Even from the single glimpse, anyone could be able to tell about the anger boiling inside of him.

"She is a little monster!" Anko says irritated. She throws her hands in the air, shaking her head. "I have been searching for her ever since the morning!" She exclaims loudly. "She was beside me, talking about different poisons, she wanted to learn about and then, puff and she disappeared." Anko explains the whole situation, shaking her head.

Ibiki sighs, knowing perfectly well, that it is something Sakura would do. He shakes his head, thinking how troublesome it is for him, when he has to leave Sakura to his colleague and comrade, when he is away on a mission.

"Anyways..." Ibiki states in low voice. "I was called by Minato-san." The tone of his voice, makes Anko stop on her tracks and turn around, facing him entirely. "He wants her to join academy." He says in low voice.

"And you don't like the idea." Anko states, tilting her head slightly. "Listen, Ibiki..." Anko starts in low, serious tone. "I have same rights over her as you do..."She whispers. "And I do understand, why you might be worried. But...You have to have a bit more faith in her. Sakura... She is prodigy, and someday she will be the strongest ninja in whole nations." Anko smirks.

"I know that, Anko." Ibiki sighs, tiredly. "I...I wanted safer future for her, Anko." He whispers once again, memories rushing in his mind. "Not something similar to her parents'."

"She would not want it." Anko shakes her head furiously. She turns around, facing the empty streets underneath her. "Neither of them would. We were there, Ibiki. Neither Kizashi, not Mebuki would want their daughter to just stay home."


A girl with short pink hair and large emerald orbs is standing in the middle of training ground, panting. Sweat is rolling down her forehead, her white skin is covered with mud and scratches. She bites her bottom lip to stop the pained whimper from escaping. But she has proud look in her eyes as she looks around, her kunais hitting all the targets.

"Sakura-chan!" The smooth, yet familiar voice is heard behind her. The small girl turns around, smiling cheekily at Hokage, who is slowly approaching her. Minato approaches her, looking around the ground and studying her appearance carefully. He makes a mental note to talk about Sakura's training to her adoptive parents, Ibiki and Anko.

"Minato-san!" Sakura smiles at the man in front of her, debating whether or not, he is going to lecture her again. "Ano..." She starts while limping towards Hokage. "I was just...uh, finishing my trainings." Sakura smiles once again, hoping that Minato has not heard about the fact, that she escaped Anko-chan, again. But single look on his face, makes her realize that this time she won't be able to avoid his wrath.

"Sakura..." Minato shakes his head, sighing and kneeling in front of her. "How many times do I have to tell you, not to train like that?" He asks tiredly. "I have to take you to the hospital for check-up, third time this week." Minato smiles at the small girl, who looks down guiltily. "And I would have loved to lecture you, but I am sure Ibiki will do that for me, once you get back."

"He returned?" Sakura looks up excitedly, large grin creeping on her lips. Minato nods, smiling happily at the sight in front of him.

"Anyways, I was thinking about...placing you in the academy." Minato starts talking as he picks Sakura up. The girl looks at Hokage with large, glittering eyes. "So, what do you think? You can handle it?"

"Thank you!" Sakura yells loudly, wrapping her small hands around Minato's neck, large smile tugging her lips.

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