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~Sorry it took me so long to write this story so I hope you like it!!!:-)


"Hey Liv," he said

"W-what are you d-doing here," I said trying to get her words. She was so surprised to see him, he looked amazing he was wearing a really tight t shirt and some camouflaged PJ pants. And he got more taller.

"Casey told me if I don't come she'll hunt me down, so I just went with the hangover in stead." he said laughing as he sat on the stool. "Olivia, we need to talk."

"Talk...Elliot there's nothing to talk about, you left without even saying goodbye!" I said as I leaned against the wall."And you think you can come in here and think that everything's okay, well guess what it's not."

"Olivia...I know your hurt and I'm very very very sorry that I did that to you." he said as he got behind bar and got really close to her. "I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't face I thought it would be better for captain to tell you."

"Did you really think that it was easy for him tell me, he was sad to El..of losing one of his best detectives." I said between sobs."It broken because I lost a best friend. "

Elliot felt hurt seeing her like this, he never wanted to hurt her. He just wanted to get things strait in his life.

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