Failed Assassination

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Negan’s victims knelt in a haphazard row, Maggie barely able to keep upright between Rick and Abraham who tried to support her on either side. Negan whistled a pleasant tune and swung his baseball bat that was wrapped in barbed wire, a tactic he used to instill fear in his victims. He had began his twisted game of eeny-meeny-miney-moe and he had hid bat pointed at Abraham's head, he had chosen his victim. Negan went to swing his bat, meaning to bring it crashing down on Abraham's head but at that last minute, Abraham was shoved aside and Negan ended up striking his only daughter, catching her on the shoulder. The bones crunched menacingly and blood sprayed from the wound as Negan realised what he had done, his only child with his beloved wife Lucille now crumpled to the ground straining to breathe in and out. “No more killing, you don't have to do this” his daughter whispered between gasps, Negan was in shock as he grasped the bat between his sweaty hands. “I told you to stay away Ally, I told you to stay in the truck” he said as one of his men rushed to give him a medikit which he waved away, she did not deserve it after this betrayal. “No, I couldn't stay back any more while you kept killing, you think Mom would have wanted that?” she said spitting blood onto the ground as she struggled to sit upright, Negan backed off when she swatted away his hands. “You'd choose these people who you've never even met over me, your own father?” Negan demanded taking on the cocky and arrogant look that so often was on his face, “Yes I will, I am choosing them. You can't keep doing this!” she shouted before breaking off into a round of loud and wet coughs as she tried to keep upright. “If that's what you think, you'll die out here just like your Mom. This group won't last a week out here and you'll go down with them” Negan threatened but she held firm, “Get out of here now, there's nothing for you” she snarled and Negan almost smiled before he whistled and his men backed away into their trucks. He didn't even blink as he took off in his own truck leaving his child in the dirt bleeding out and surrounded by strangers, his own mental state had developed so that anyone not with his program was against it and needed to be eliminated. The trucks cleared away in clouds of dust and the Alexandria group swarmed the young woman, Negan’s daughter. Rosita eased her out of the leather jacket she wore and saw the damage, it was horrific to say the least. They needed to get both her and Maggie to Hilltop now or they would lose them both. “You saved my life Little Lady, what's your name?” Abraham asked as he scooped her into his arms while the others settled Maggie onto the stretcher bed, “Ally, I'm Ally” she whispered between coughs. Abraham had been ready to die and this young woman who lookforbarely into her twenties had shoved him aside to take the full force of the blow on herself just to prove a point to her father. They loaded them into the RV and Abraham took the wheel, Glenn was with Maggie wiping her burning forehead and telling her it would all be alright while Carol and Rosita were trying to brace the wound on Ally's shoulder, they had no idea if it was broken but they needed to stop the bleeding or else she'd never even make it to Hilltop. “Ally, you still with us? What's your blood type?” Rosita asked as she wrapped her belt around the padding to stem the blood flow. “O positive”  she said and Rosita nodded, she would likely need a blood transfusion so knowing her blood type would only help Doctor Carson when they got there. “Does anyone have O Positive blood?” Rosita called out and like a white knight from a fairy tale, Daryl appeared. “I'm O Positive” he said looking down at Ally, “Don't go nowhere when we get to Hilltop” Rosita warned and Daryl nodded, like the others he was in shock this woman had bothered to help when she faced such heavy consequences herself.

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