Survivor Of All

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Two weeks passed of Ally being locked naked in a cell with Dwight trying to feed her godawful sandwiches which she refused until he brought her a pitiful salad which she begrudgingly ate to keep her strength up. On his next visit she had asked for her brace which she hadn't had to keep her shoulder steady for days, “My brace, who has it?” she asked but he refused to even look at her and she assumed someone had done away with it once and for all. Dwight just got worse after that day and he blasted the same song through the cell at all hours and on top volume when she had just lain her head down to get a scrap of sleep and it kept on playing until she could repeat it word for word. One this was for certain, she sure as hell wasn't on easy street.  Dwight come by after the fifteenth day with a set of filthy clothes for her to put on, he actually waited outside the door while she changed into them which was kind of nice considering the state she'd been in the last few weeks. Dwight gripped the back of her shirt tight and they stepped into the hall where the light blinded her temporarily and he had guided her through the halls she knew even better than he did until they reached the parlour where the wives spent their time waiting for Negan to show them any kind of attention. She entered the room and saw Carl standing awkwardly while Negan was kissing Dwight's ex-wife and his current wife, Sherry. She seriously wanted to throttle Carl, what was he bloody doing there! “Are you ready to behave now? All you have to do is answer one little question. Who are you?” Negan asked once he had finished his kiss which Ally found disgusting and a mockery of her Mother among other things. All of the wives all lowered their eyes to keep out of whatever Negan was trying to do just in case they fell on the chopping block right alongside her. “Ally” she answered and he slapped her across the face making the room echo with the loud crack sound. Carl made to move forward to defend her but Ally moved her hand in a cutting motion to make him stop, telling him to stay out of it, he wasn't hurt yet and he didn't need to further aggravate  Negan. “I'll give you one last chance, who are you?” he demanded and Ally raised her eyes to his face and answered “Ally” with all the defiance she could muster to which Negan only sighed before giving her another head spinning slap across the other cheek. “Did you do this to Mama?” Ally spat and her father's eyes grew darker, “Get her out of my sight, she's not to be given food or water until she sees sense” Negan snarled and Dwight yanked her out of the room by the back of her shirt until she was back in her cell, “All you had to do was say one word, you didn't even need to mean it! You'll die down here and he won't even care, he's trying for more kids and it's only a matter of time before he has one” Dwight said in an exasperated voice, “Why do you care? If I die down here at least I'll die as myself not a mindless sheep” she said as Dwight slammed the door shut and locked it tight. She wouldn't know it now but there was someone in that place who so desperately wanted to help her before making her own escape, Sherry had managed somehow to procure the key to the cell and had written a little note and slid it and the key under the door. With Negan busy with a drop by the Kingdom settlement, Ally had her best chance to escape right now. She slid the key into the lock and turned it slowly waiting for a moment and listening hard for anyone coming down the hall before she pushed open the door and pocketed the key again. She crept down the hall until she heard a frantic banging coming from the cell to her left, she slid back the viewing panel and small hands reached through and began swiping and clutching wildly. “Carl? Is that you?” she asked and immediately the hands withdrew and his small face appeared in the viewing window. “I've got the key, be quiet” she said as she unlocked his cell too, this time leaving the key in the door. “Is anyone else with you?” she asked as Carl lurched out of the cell and hugged her tight, “No it's just me but we have to go!” Carl said realising just how badly things could have gone if Ally hadn't sprung him from the cell. “Follow me, keep to the wall and be as quiet as you can”  she whispered and Carl nodded so the pair began tiptoe running down the corridors until they came to a large door and it was just their luck a very large man (who was fondly nicknamed Fat Joey) was lumbering past eating a sandwich and Ally caught the door he went through before it slammed shut so she and Carl could go through. She hurried down the halls, in and out of doors and then down a staircase that nobody liked to use because it was where a lot of dead bodies were left. The smell was awful but she and Carl clamped a hand over their noses and went down the dark stairs anyway until they reached the last door that entered into the yards. There were cars, trucks and vans but they wouldn't do them any good, they needed something small. “Get on” she said as she picked one of the parked bikes in the lot and grabbed a spare fuel can for their trip. “Atop right there” they heard and Ally turned to see Maple, one of the women in her father's guard. Ally grabbed a pipe and all the anger of being beaten and locked up flared to the surface as she killed the woman without a single though of hesitation, she knelt a moment to catch her breath and then realised that the woman had the same sized shoes that she would usually wear and so when the others went to find Maple they found the guard minus her shoes and socks, her warm jacket and her weapons. By then Ally and Carl were halfway back to New Alexandria, Rick had taken her parting advice and had moved them all to a new settlement made from a metal smelting factory with plenty of offices and upstairs space for living and downstairs space for hiding vehicles and for growing indoor crops. “I just hated how he made us leave our home and took you away. I just wanted to make him pay” Carl said when she'd asked his what he was doing there, the story of Carl going in guns blazing made her want to smack him silly for even trying to pull something like that off on his own. They sped along the roads until at long last they had arrived. From the outside it looked empty and barren but the second they got off the motorcycle they heard the loading of guns and then a pause, “It's Ally and Carl!” she heard Glenn shouting as the big metal doors rolled open and then there he was. The reason why she had kept fighting every single day. Daryl.

The Greatest Sacrifice - Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now