Sweet Promises

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Daryl left the hall and went back to his own room, the space suddenly too dark and cold. Ally thought he didn't love her like before and he didn't know what to do about that, he had thought he hadn't been treating her any different but now he was thinking about it he could so clearly see what he'd been doing. Ally wanted a new start, a family with children and a husband, could he give that to her? He'd always been so vehemently against marriage since his own parents hadn't set any sort of example for him but perhaps, just perhaps with Ally he could make it work. He knew that Glenn had proposed to Maggie with Hershel's blessing, the wedding had been a few short words spoken in private but it was as legitimate as any union before the apocalypse and if that's what Ally wanted, that's what he would give her because if anyone deserved happiness, it was her. The very next morning when he went on a run for canned goods he passed a jeweler and stopped there, what harm coke come from looking? The store was still fairly intact although the larger pieces of diamond and gold jewelry had been stolen long ago. Daryl wanted something practical, something stable and solid that would symbolize their relationship and he scanned the cases of rings until he found what he thought was just perfect. Two rings nestled together on the same silk pillow made as a set, one for the husband and one for the wife. The rings were simple enough, plain silver with the slimmer woman's ring bearing a small black gemstone as the only decoration and even now as he broke open the case to get them out he could already picture the metal circlet on Ally's slim hand. This was obviously nerve wracking, he had the perfect ring to give her but what if she turned him away? More worryingly he had no idea what to say to her, the most he understood about proposals and marriage was it was usually a big affair but right now all he wanted was Ally to be happy. The rings were in his zippered pocket and he felt like a criminal carrying them around likely to be caught at any second by someone. He saw Ally holding Judith and making car noises as they pushed a small plastic car around on the mat, he could picture her with a child of her own, their child running wild and free through the woods while they chased him or her. She would be a wonderful mother. Judith yawned and rubbed at her eyes and looked up at Ally, “Come on Sweet-pea, bed time for you” she said picking up the infant, she put Judith to bed and she'd been so worn out she fell asleep right away leaving Ally able to creep out of the room silently. Daryl had waited in the hall nervously for her to exit and they'd stood there awkwardly. “I heard you last night with Maggie and I know you feel like I'm treating you like you're weak but I just wanted to help you feel safe after what happened and I do love you, maybe even more that I did before” he began to say quickly finding himself rambling on, “It's alright Daryl, I get it” she replied simply as she rested her head on his chest and leant against him. “Ally, I'm trying to ask ya if you'll marry me?” he said finally spitting out the words, she stepped back with a look of shock on her face as he pulled the two rings out of his pocket and offered her the smaller ring. “Daryl, it's beautiful” she whispered as he slid the ring onto her hand, she took the second ring form his hand and put it on his ring finger. “Nice to meet you Mrs Dixon” he said as he took her hand and pressed a kiss directly onto the ring, her whole body felt like it had been filled with a warm glow, this was the stuff of dreams and here Daryl was, her prince charming as always. It was a very big moment for both of them, Daryl had firmly believed that his father's words had been true, that he would never have a loving wife or any sort of family and it had taken the apocalypse to prove his old man wrong and Daryl felt the rest of their family would be along to join them soon enough.

It would take almost until dinner for Glenn and Maggie to put it together what the pair had done and the brunette had been the first to congratulate them at dinner. It was a shining moment for Ally as these she loved gathered around to congratulate her and Daryl, now if only the world outside wasn't still intent on seeing them all dead that would be the icing on the cake

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